
"From Celticlace"

Couple & San Francisco

Romance you ask... What is this?

It's the dance by the fountain,
and the music that played.

It's the slow easy smile,
that crosses your face.

It's the way your eyes light,
when I've had my say.

It's the little touch on my arm,
that draws me close and asks me to stay.

It's the way your hand lifts,
and brush back the strand of hair that has strayed.

It's the jacket you took from your shoulders,
to lay across mine one windy day.

It's the comfort I feel,
even when your're away.

It's the kiss that lingers
into the next day.

It's the phone call you made, to the hospital that day,
just to make sure that all was okay.

AND I knew on that day, That Romance ...
was what you do .... NOT say.

~Celticlace~ 8/06/06

Purple roseThank you Lace for making me smile everyday! You are an amazing woman. You will always be in my heart!Purple rose

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