This page is dedicated to thoughts of myself and others.
The links are the dreams, the thoughts, the words of those that are near and dear to me.
Please, take your time here, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and ENJOY!

Just a word of caution, some of the wonders here may be dreams, some may be reality.
There are Happy thoughts, but yes, they're may be some Sad ones too.
But what we have to remember, is that we all have things in our minds and in our hearts. Share the moments of my friends and they're world. Look into their world for a bit, close your eyes and DREAM with them.

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"By Celticlace"
Click here
"An Inspiration"
"The Rose"
Click here
"By Dan Eagle"
Click here
"Great Advice"

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"Where it Began"
"When Will I?"
Click here
"A Message"
"If I knew"
Click here
"A Tribute"
"Morning Dream"
Click here
"A Wish"

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"By Precious"
" IF "
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"From Peanut"
Click here
"From Hannah"
Click here

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