"From Precious"

With the softest of touch,
the steadiest of hands,
Your mind brings forth creations,
no man can match.

With gentle kind words,
spoken from the heart,
you whisper forth your intentions
as your fingers gracefully fly bringing to life your wildest dreams.

A mission set forth in the darkest of nights,
with only the moon and stars to light your path,
the journey of discovery begins.

Your capable hands molding, smoothing over the surface,
overlooking the flaws so many others tried to erase,
only saying they add character and grace.

The light softly reflecting off the words,
permanently engraved in the purest of silver.
So harshly tested
the fires of trial never marring the beauty,
the true essence of your purpose never in question.

Closing your eyes you realize you try to capture
the soul through your works
knowing that like the precious piece of art in your hands
life too etches fine engravings on our hearts.

The truest hearts reflecting back for all to see,
standing firm through the cruelest of words,
softening to the warmest of kind hands,

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Than you Precious for sharing with me!

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