Title: Rusted World of Pretend (02/??)
Rating: M
Summary: Stephanie disappears after that disastrous 11 Feb 02 RAW and returns ten months later...and she�s not alone.
Type of fic: Story
Author�s notes: Okay, this idea ultimately came from my father when he basically said to me (regarding the events at the end of 11 February 2002 RAW), �They should put Steph out to pasture for nine months, and bring her back with Hunter�s baby�. Well, that, and my muses just wanted some Hunter-torture. Italicised paragraphs are flashbacks. (They might not show up in the posts, so I�ll let you guys know when it�s a flashback part, or if there�s a flashback part.)
Part Two
The last thing Stephanie expected were the cheers from the crowd. It was almost deafening as she made her way towards the ring. Her smile widened as she noticed �We Want Steph� signs littered around the arena. She took a microphone from Lilian Garcia, who smiled brightly at her, and walked to the middle of the ring. She lifted her hand up for a little silence but it was ignored. The butterflies in her stomach grew more frantic and she had to take a couple of deep breaths to calm herself. Finally, she lifted the mic to her lips.
�Thank you so much for that warm welcome!� she said loudly, and was met with more cheers. �I�m very happy to be back here in the WWF, and-�
Stephanie was interrupted by even louder screams by the fans. She was stunned at the reaction. She grinned. �I know I haven�t been around for nearly a year, but there�s a reason for that!�
Just then, a very familiar song filled the arena. Triple H�s entrance. Hunter.
Stephanie turned warily towards the ramp, unsure of what to expect. She had been watching RAW and SmackDown during the past ten months, and she knew that people still liked him. That was why she was surprised when Hunter�s appearance was met with a mixture of cheers and boos.
Hunter made his way down to the ring, a look of annoyance on his face, microphone in one hand, and papers in the other. She made sure there was space between them when he stopped in the middle of the ring. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her.
Stephanie bit her lower lip. She had loved him when they had been married, but after the disaster that had been their second wedding, things had become a little clearer. She hadn�t been in love with him. She�d been in love with power, and the power that she had as �The Game�s Wife�. Not to mention that little-
She shook her head, pushing that particular thought away.
�Well, if it isn�t my darling wife,� Hunter finally said, speaking loudly into the microphone. �My lying, cheating, darling wife.�
Stephanie shook her head. �I never cheated on you, Hunter,� she told him honestly.
�Oh, but you sure lied to me, didn�t you?� he shot back.
She felt a wave of guilt wash over her. �I did, and I�m sorry.�
This time it was her turn to be met with a mixture of cheers and boos. However, she ignored the crowd for a moment. This was the first time she and Hunter were speaking in ten months. It felt like she was speaking to a complete stranger, and in a way she was.
�It�s a little late for that, isn�t it?� Hunter asked angrily. �Something like ten months late!�
All she could do was apologise.
But Hunter had had enough and he threw his microphone into the ground, using his free hand to suddenly grab her by the back of the head. Stephanie screamed as she felt herself get pushed hard against the turnbuckle. Deep down she knew that he would never truly hurt her, but the fear still rose in her. Her heart was pounding so hard in her ears that she wasn�t sure whether the crowd was cheering or booing.
However, Hunter suddenly let go of her. Stephanie looked up and was relieved to see Edge, who stood protectively in front of her. The thunderous cheers were enough to overwhelm the racing of her heart.
Over Edge�s shoulders she could see Hunter glaring at the both of them, enraged. He pointed threateningly at her before bending down and picking up something. The microphone.
Stephanie stared at him with dread. She hadn�t been sure how things would turn out, but this wasn�t how she had expected her return.
Hunter finally lifted the papers he had brought down the ring with him, then threw them at Edge�s chest. �Divorce papers, Stephanie!� he snarled at her. �All signed and finalised!�
�Hey, it�s me.�
Stephanie smiled. �Hey, you.�
�Are you okay? What Hunter did to you out there, it was pretty rough,� he said, his voice full of worry.
�I�m okay, really,� she assured him. �He didn�t hurt me.�
�I knew I should have come with you tonight!�
His concern touched her deeply. �Hey, it�s okay, really.�
�I�m just so glad that Edge showed up when he did,� he said, sounding relieved. �I�m not sure what I would have done if Hunter hurt you.�
�Edge is a darling, isn�t he?�
He laughed. �And how is everyone reacting to what happened out there?�
Stephanie rolled her eyes. �Do you really want to know? Farooq was asking me when the wedding is going to be.�
�Well, now that Hunter has finally signed the divorce papers, it can be tomorrow for all I care!�
She laughed. �I think he was referring to me and Edge.�
�Well, I�m not.�
Stephanie felt her heart skip a beat. �I know you�re not.�
Transcript: RAW - 16 December 2002

Jim Ross I understand Michael Cole is standing by to interview the now divorced Stephanie McMahon.
Jerry �the King� Lawler Yeah, I�d love to hear what she has to say about Triple H! And what�s the deal between her and Edge anyway?
Michael Cole Thanks, JR. I�m just waiting for Stephanie to- Oh, here she is. Stephanie, may I have a word?
Stephanie McMahon Sure, Michael. What�s on your mind?
Michael Cole Actually, I just wanted to get your thoughts on your new divorce. Triple H has signed the papers, is that right?
Stephanie McMahon That�s right. Hunter and I are now officially divorced. I guess I had been wrong about the whole marriage, and this divorce was the best thing for all parties concerned.
Michael Cole And what about Edge?
Stephanie McMahon What about Edge?
Michael Cole Well, we saw him come out and save you from whatever it was that Triple H had in mind for you. I thought it was quite brave of him to do that.
Stephanie McMahon The one thing that Edge never lacks is courage. As for our relationship, we�re just friends. I mean, it is very possible to be friends with the opposite sex, isn�t it?
Michael Cole Of course. Now, what about these rumours that we�ve been hearing about a mystery partner?
Stephanie McMahon Mystery partner? What are you talking about?
Michael Cole Well, a lot of people are saying that you didn�t show up at the arena by yourself, that you were in fact with someone, or that you brought along someone with you.
Stephanie McMahon Actually, I did bring along someone with me�
Michael Cole Well, who is it?
Camera pans left to include Edge, who has come to stop beside Stephanie McMahon.
Edge Hey, Steph. You-know-who wants you.
Stephanie McMahon Sorry, Michael. I have to go.
Michael Cole But-
� *
Hunter had tried to ignore the questions surrounding Stephanie�s so called �mystery partner� as he concentrated on his upcoming match with Chris Benoit. He had been waiting months for his chance to become the Undisputed World Champion, and tonight was finally his night. To hell with Stephanie and Edge. To hell with Stephanie and her mystery partner. To hell with Stephanie.
�Triple H! Triple H!� a couple of familiar voices called out from behind him.
Hunter whirled around, glaring at the two small wrestlers. �What?�
Taka and Funaki lost a little of their enthusiasm. �Uh, we just want to say you win tonight, okay? You become big Champion, okay?�
He heard his entrance music start up, and he turned away from Kaientai. He was going to win that damn Championship if it was the last thing he did.
Hunter could practically feel the heavy weights of the two belts around his waist. Benoit was fading, his movements having gotten a slower and heavier. Benoit was tired, and it wasn�t surprising considering his Iron Man match the previous night against Steve Austin at the Vengeance pay-per-view.
Hunter could hear the crowd�s roar of approval as he prepared to give Benoit the Pedigree. All he had to do was execute the move, make the pin - and those damn belts were his! However, just as he hooked both of Benoit�s arms, the lights in the arena flickered and an awfully familiar alarm sounded.
He looked up at the screen, infuriated. Stephanie in a dressing room, talking to Torrie Wilson.
Hunter ignored the screams of the fan and the shouts from both Jim Ross and the King. He glared up the TitanTron, letting go of Benoit. He wanted to know what the bitch was saying.
��tomorrow morning,� Stephanie said, the hidden camera obviously just having missed the start of her sentence.
Torrie grinned. �I bet he�s looking forward to seeing Cassidy.�
Cassidy? Who the hell was Cassidy?
�Yeah, he is. He misses her,� Stephanie replied.
Just then, the door to the dressing room opened, and Tajiri walked in with something cradled in his arms. �Cassie�s back!� he announced cheerfully.
On screen, Stephanie�s face lit up and she walked towards Tajiri. �Hey, sweetie, did you have a good walk?�
Hunter wondered if she was talking to Tajiri, but it was at the bundle she was obviously directing her question to as she took it from the man. Stephanie turned back towards Torrie, and it was then that the camera was able to clearly see what she had in her arms-
Stephanie was carrying a baby.
end part two.
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