Lismore, NSW, Australia
Lismore online the news entertainment links
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impressions Lismore info

         site development - Ron Cahill                    news, events and impressions of Lismore, Australia

  Greetings - if you were diverted from our previous site, you may wish to bookmark this new web address?

At times, the news can be the main focus of this site

Welcome to Lismore, NSW, Australia.welcome to Lismore
The intention of this site is to raise an awareness and to promote the character, personality and spirit of the Lismore district and to allow viewers from outside the area (and overseas) to gain a genuine "feel" of the community and what it has to offer.

The impressions page contains a listing of photos, all with aPhoto impressions of Lismore, a University/commerce/rural city in the far north coast of SW, Australia brief storyline and all relative to Lismore. Could be defined as a mixture of news and what Lismore is about. Realplayer video/audio files are available on some.
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Version 4x browsers are required as all pages contain DHTML, otherwise they will look like a madman's breakfast!

Lismore, a Commercial/Rural/University City on the Far North Coast of NSW, Australia.
Situated 800 kilometres (500 miles) north of Sydney.

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TIP: It could pay you to use quotation marks to find words which appear adjacent to each other, for example, "Lismore Workers Club", otherwise you will receive a listing of all sentences containing the words Lismore & Club etc.

Ron Cahill

Designed and maintained by Ron Cahill
Phone: (02) 6624 5313
e-mail: [email protected]



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