Lismore, NSW, Australia
Lismore online the news entertainment links
upcoming events noticeboard
the directory
impressions Lismore info

         site development - Ron Cahill                    news, events and impressions of Lismore, Australia

the directory
This page is in progress.
It will act as a menu-page covering various aspects of the Lismore district.
Including a listing of community welfare/health organisations, hobby/enthusiast groups and a shopping, accommodation, pubs & clubs guide.

Lismore accomodation, pubs & clubs, shopping directory
Accomodation | Pubs & Clubs | Dining out | Fashion clothing | Jewellery & Gifts

community essentials
Locations and phone numbers of what could be called community essentials - police
and fire brigade etc., hospitals, markets, libraries, government departments etc.

hobby, enthusiast & interest groups
(non sporting)

Have Your Say
This discussion board has recently been reactivated after laying dorment for a few months

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