Uncle's Sports

One Stop Shop for Sports and Memorabilia.


Nelson Jarrett, A native of Newark, New Jersey, have a love for sports. Being a avid collector in his youth, he would collect baseball and football cards. As a tean, he was a part of youth sports to keep his focus and stay away from bad elements. Showing his passion for the game, he played for the highschool football team, where he would later play for a college team. Later in his life, he would be drafted into the NFL, where he made a carrer for 15 years. The name Uncle would travel with him from his family to his carrer in the NFL. After retirement, he wanted to share his passion for sports, so started a local sports shop to pass on his love of the game to any and everyone that showed the same passion as he did. Thus, Uncle's Sports was born. A place where any person, at any age, appreciate the love of sports.