The Order of Spirits
by Dr. Larry A. King, D.B.S.
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Books by Dr. King

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     It's here!!
Bro. King's Newest Book
                    Available Now
The Prophecies of Revelation
Dr. Larry A. King D.B.S.
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ISBN number 1-4241-7123-7
14.95 USD
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The world of spirits is a very real world; a world that we encounter on a daily basis. For this reason, we need to know and understand the spirit world in more detail and with more knowledge. This book will give you that understanding.

In this, the newest of Dr. King's books, Dr. King opens up the world of spirits like it has never been opened before.  He explores the world of angels and how they are organized along with the organization and structure of demon spirits, to help you to understand how the spiritual world is made up and how it operates. Information is also given on the spirit of man, animals, and plants.

For those who are battling the spiritual forces on a personal level, this book gives in detail how you may be free. You need this book in your library, whether you are a student of the Word, a Sunday School teacher, or minister. It will open your eyes to the spirit world as never before.
84 pages
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$12. 96 USD
To buy The Order of Spirits  directly from the printers, CLICK HERE

* NOTE: Since "The Order of Spirits"  is just coming off the press, it may not be in the bookstores for a while yet.  As soon as we get more info, we will post it here. In the meantime, be one of the first to obtain a copy directly from the printers at the link above.
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