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The Prophecies of Revelation
by Dr. Larry A. King, D.B.S.
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Dr. King has made the study of Revelation come alive through his book. Our church members have recently purchased several copies and we believe it to be the best chapter by chapter Bible study agent for the Revelation of John on the market today. We guarantee that God will bless you and deepen your etymological knowledge if you study the Revelation With Dr. King's book as a guide.

Jonesville Church of God, Jonesville, NC. USA
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The prophecies of Revelation are the key to understanding the future and what shall be in the last days. The events that occur in Revelation are as real as any other, and they will take place very soon.

Every student of the Bible, every Christian, every minister, and every person who wants to know what the future holds needs to read this book . The symbolism can be difficult at times, But Dr. King has made it very simple so as to leave the reader with a very clear understanding of the future events that are soon to transpire on our planet.

If you read any book on prophecy this year, make it this one. This is your chance to understand Revelation like never before; you owe it to yourself to understand.

The prophecies of Revelation are very real, and as Jesus himself said, "Let him that readeth understand."
About the Author
57 pages
ISBN Number:  1-4241-7123-7
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