LMSContacts & Links

Nick Davis - Click here to contact me Welcome to my Website, my little corner of the information super highway. I intend to bring you reviews and a lot of rather unofficial rules so please bookmark me and visit often. Also I want this site to be a forum for your own ideas and product reviews - so if you have something to say about a GW product then contact me. The two things I ask is that you keep the reviews fair, this is not a site for GW bashing and that you use my Flaming Skulls to rate the product you are reviewing

Here is my 5 minute Bio.

My name is Nick Davis and I used to work and write for a rather well known GW Hobby magazine called White Dwarf. I am currently residing in the US of A with my wife carving a new life for myself in the colonies. I've been playing fantasy and GW games for over 17 years now and I consider myself a professional hobbyist. Over the years I have built up and painted numerous armies from the infamous 95th Cadian Rifles 'The Revenants' Regiment to my current just finished project - A Dark Eldar Kabel known as the Darkheart Raiders.

Double Click for a larger image

My favourite GW game is Warhammer 40,000, although I do take my Lizardman army for spin in Warhammer now and again. But the lure of frantic combat in the dark millennium keeps pulling me back. At the moment I am repainting my Space Marine army - the Emperors Eagles into a mighty crusading force. For more information on Space Marine crusaders check out my Codex Armageddon review.

Now enjoy my website, have fun!

Check out these other great sites

Click on the picture to go to Clauseau's corner

Clauseau's Corner - One of the best miniature conversion sites I've found on the net. He doles out loads of practical modelling advice and has a gallery of stunning models. Whilst you are there have a look at his Project Adeptus Astartus I guarantee what he is doing will make your jaw drop! On a final note check out his tongue in cheek caricatures of GW personalities and other icons.

Battlecolors - An excellant private Wargamers site for wargamers. Check out his Imperial Guard army - its huge and with the edition of the 95th Cadian Rifles, which have been assigned to him its even larger!

Games Workshop - The official Games Workshop site

Commorragh - Unofficial home of the Dark Eldar. I was looking for Dark Eldar site to put up in my contact page, then I found this site. Contains links to everything Dark Eldar and whole bucket full of information on twisted denziens of the Dark City.

The Aerie - Home of everything that is the Space Marine Chapter - The Raven Guard

Portent - One of the best Games Workshop resource sites out there. Everything from rumours, stories, forums, auctions and even a few rules. Check it out today!

Gamers Web - A Gamers site, written by gamers, for gamers. Its sort of an off shot of Portent. The site contains rumours, reviews and gaming rules for a number of systems. Its definetly worth a look.

40K Universe - Ever evolving and a nice little 40K resource site! Agent Eight is aiming for a Ultimate GW fan site. Check it out now!

Apocrypha - A fantastic WH40K internet fanzine updated monthly with exclusive inteviews, rules and stories - check this out now!

Mad Alfreds Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WHFRP) Page - If you remember the WHFRP play system by Games Workshop (now owned by Hogshead)then you should check this site out

GW Gateway - A huge gateway site with thousands of links to loads of Games Workshop and other wargame sites.

Scrapheap - Very inventive scenery site, the guy makes anything out of trash! He also makes scenery to order, check it out and tell him LMS sent ya.

The Forge - Easy to use and downloadable army creation program. You will find the files for all the major WH40K races. Plus the program has options to create your own - I highly recommend it.

Ultimate 40K - Interesting WH40K site, very good resource and some very fantastic articles.

The Realm of Inisfail - Another WH40K site, you look hard enough amongst the chaff, you will find some little gems hidden away, especially if you play BFG.

The Eternal Matrix - Web based newsletter for all Eldar players out there.

NATO - Wargame resource site for the Atlanta war room, great message board and great gaming attitude.

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