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Welcome homies. For more info on CS from the makers of the game go here: CS

Welcome to all the first timers in the competition. I just finished the registration page so if you haven't signed up on here yet please do so. If you have this web address that means you have already registered at the front desk at the cyber center too, that means paid or talked about payment issues. If you have then you will be issued a password to access the members only area which will be coming VERY soon.

Deadline to sign up for CS Tourney is drawing very close. You only have a week and a half. Sign up soon to reserve your spot!
The Cyber Center CS Site


-Cyber Center CS Tourney-

So far the next tourney date is unknown. Keep checking back and it will be posted. The tourney will be sometime between the 21st of march and the 31st of march. Those are the only times I am going to be in town. And off to the side I need some time to spend with my beautiful girl-friend Stephy. So this is bascially going to be just a one whole day thing out of my visit and that's it. so enjoy brothas. Enjoy and ROCK!!!!!!

P.S I have a new team this trip. Probably Steph's young but brave cousin Daniel, I, and so far the third member is unknown. If youre willing to play with us. Email me and let me know.

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BreakAway Ministries

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