My Life with chronic Pain!!!!!
I am originally from Germany and came to Canada in1987, I was married to a canadian soldier at the time. Everything was fine, till that one day in November 1990 after I got out of Bed and felt very achy and stiff. I thought I just had the Flu, but the pain kept getting worse in certain places and I went to see my doctor, who treated me for minor Arthritis. But it didnt get any better, other things started to come together. My Bowels went nuts, Migrane Headaches, and horrible panic attachs. It got so bad, were I didnt wanted to go out of the House no more. My Doctor referred to the Rheumatology and I had several tests done, like MS, Lupus, Arthritis etc. But you have to understand one thing to get diagnosed with Fibromalgyia isnt as easy.
My Birthday Fairie for the Month of August. If you like one go to this Link.
Nothing shows up in a Bloodtest or Urinetest. Bonescans look normal, you seem actually like a normal person but yet the pain is so real and absolutely so painful, that still some Doctors dont believe you. And think you are crazy. Which eventually will make you think you are crazy but dont worry you are not. The pain is real and in some cases disabling. One of the worst things for Fibromalgyia is stress. If you can avoid it do so. Since my divorce in 1998 it has gotten worse.
Change in weather some people with Fibromalgyia can tell you. Now some doctors compare the pain from Fibromalgyia with the pain of a person in the last stages of cancer. A Friend of mine is on morphin and elavil which is an antidepressant, on a daily basis. She cant even clean her own house no more and has somebody coming twice a week to clean. To some people who are reading this they might think, thats crazy, but thats just immature thinking. The pain is real and so far no relief. And you still try to make a disant life for yourself and try to enjoy yourself. A possitive Attitude does help alot. Takes some of the stress away also.
I can find beauty in a park and glad to be alive. The way the flowers and trees grow every year. The change of seasons, my favourite season is spring. It means new life, new beginnings. I like to watch animals how they go on without a care. But I do like to get involved in the endangered wildlife and rainforests. My favourite Animals are african Elephants, Tigers, Pandas and Whales. Wolves and just normal Housecats. We all should do our part to help preserve and help them, without animals and trees we wont live long either. I know this has nothing to do with Fibromalgyia, but its something to keep yourself busy with.
This wonderful group is a chatgroup on MSN, which I belong to as well. Its all People who have the same problems some even more. Its a great support support for ppl with chronic pain
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