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Random Poem
Generator Guy

My Writing

Unjust Justice

You look so handsome
within your suit of armour
a black tie affair
is almost everything you want
go ahead
stand up for what you believe in
just make sure what you believe in
isn't something that could hurt you
the sound of the final verdict
is like music to your ears
a woman is crying
in the back of the courtroom
because you
yes you
sent her love to prison
on charges that were not his own
you say that's the way the system goes
and if the system is right
then what?
yes, you look stunning
with your grim reaper's clothing
but what if it were you
sitting with clammy hands
swearing to tell the truth
even if the truth is a lie
burned into the tounge
on hopeless hopes
ever turning to the life you had
before you had been misjudged
what then would you say
if your own life was placed in a man's hands
with no justice to come pleading for you


An exit from humanity
Fantasy worlds
Beyond the door
The freedom lies
Trapped within walls
This world is all
That keeps us sane
Whether running from your mind
Or running from your dreams
Cross the boundries
Towards the exit

Tiger's Prey

Then rain falls like daggers
from the cloud stained sky
The lightening burns the ground around her
threatening to singe her firey coat of fir
Her amber eyes glow
as they race over the animal before her
Her muscles shiver
behind a sheet of satin
She waits quietly
holding within the urge to break silence
Thunder rolls overhead
and she inches forward
Her immense footsteps
are etched in the mud below her
The animal turns towards her
a humans features are outlined in a flash of light
Terror chills the animals veins
as a golden glow follows it from afar
The animal takes flight
and she bursts from the safety
Lightening flashes
glistening off her peraly white teeth
Thunder sounds
drowning her growl of fury
She's gaining
and she knows it
Her claws extend, razor sharp
ripping into the back of the animals legs
She pulls back, both paws locked
sending the animal face first into the ground
The animal scrambles once more
just before her jaws crush a human skull

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