Lucy and Michael - Wedding Party

maid of honor

Monica Mercado
Monica and Lucy met in their dorm room on the first day of their freshman year at Barnard College and have been best friends ever since.  After college, they continued to be roommates in New York until Monica decided to further her education out in the Windy City.  Monica is now well on her way to earning a Ph.D. in American History from the University of Chicago.  When not pondering the great acheivements of women in the 19th Century, she accepts Lucy's many phone calls and attempts to broaden Lucy's horizons by screening the New York Times for articles of mutual interest.

best man

Mike Suchanick

Michael and Mike are also good friends and former roommates from their college days.  Originally from Harrisburg, PA, Mike now lives in Philadelphia where he is an investment consultant with myCIO Wealth Partners.  When he's not sweating the stock market for work, he does it for fun along with cooking, golf and watching a little MTV.


Scott Watson

Lucy and Scott met on their first day of the NBC Page Program back in 2001 and were even roommates for a time (along with Monica) in NYC.  After spending his days doing research for Disney Media figuring out what Hannah Montana viewers would like to buy, Scott hones his poker, Wii and Scrabble skills.  Ever the renaissance man, he balances things out by reading the
New Yorker.

Marc Epstein

Well, actually, Lucy, Scott
and Marc all met on their first day of the Page Program, although Marc did not win the priviledge of being Lucy's roommate.  Marc works for Scott's competitor, Nickelodeon, as Director of Business Development, Integrated Marketing and Partnerships.  He and Scott also match wits in a highly competitive fantasy football league. 

Marc and Scott's audience seating experience is still finely tuned thanks to months of ushering
Saturday Night Live, Conan O'Brien, and Rosie O'Donnell audiences to their seats during their Page days. 
travel information
stuff to do
more links
meh picture of all of us
That's Scott on the left, Marc on the right.
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