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[ G-01 GaoGaiGar ] [ G-05 HyouRyu ]
[ G-06 EnRyu ] [ G-04 ChoRyuJin ]



GaoGaiGar Close Up


GaiGar Close Up

Not many US collectors know of GaoGaiGar toys. This is due to the relative obscurity of the GaoGaiGar anime itself. But if you are a fan of Transformers toys then you have to check these out.

First off, I'm not an expert of the GaoGaiGar anime. I know a little bit of information on the show. The info listed below I came up with by doing a simple search on the net and then blending that info with what I already know. If you need anymore info just try searching for GaoGaiGar with any search engine and you should get a couple of listings. It will be harder digging up info on GaoGaiGar then Gundam, but put some effort into it and you'll get results.

In 1990 Sunrise Animation started a new concept of anime series called, "Brave Robot". GaoGaiGar was the last show within the "Brave Robot" Series. Most consider GaoGaiGar to be the greatest of the "Brave Robot" shows. The "Brave Robot" series is basically like the many incarnations of the Power Rangers here in the US. Every year a new show was produced which followed the same basic concept but featured an entire new cast. This keeps the concept fresh and prevented it from getting stale and boring to the kids. This yearly updating of shows is very popular in Japan and is done very, very often. But the new "Brave Robot" shows also severed another purpose. It allowed new toys to be manufactured every year.

The plot of GaoGaiGar basically revolves around giant transforming robots defending the earth from invaders with the help of humans. Sound familiar to you? It should as the "Brave Robot" series was heavily influenced by the one and only Transformers. Most people seem to refer to GaoGaiGar as Transformers kicked up a notch into overdrive.

The GaoGaiGar show was aimed at young children in Japan with the main objective of selling toys to the youngsters. So it should come as no surprise that Takara was the main sponsor of the "Brave Robot" shows. Takara created toys based on GaoGaiGar and the other "Brave Robot" shows. I'm not sure of the exact date but Takara had basically given up on Transformers brand name and was concentrating on creating toys for the "Brave Robot" series. By the end of GaoGaiGar, Hasbro had proved that Beast Wars toys could sell and Takara welcomed Beast Wars to Japan and the Transformers name was reborn there. And you know the rest. I won't got into much detail there.

Enough with the background info. Onto the best part of the show, the GaoGaiGar toys. We start with the G-01 GaoGaiGar. GaoGaiGar is the main mecha of the show. We start with the G-01 GaoGaiGar. GaoGaiGar is the main mecha of the show. GaoGaiGar consists of several separate mechas

  • Galeon who becomes GaiGar
  • Liner Gao, the bullet train
  • Drill Gao, the drill tank
  • Stealth Gao, the stealth bomber

Each mecha will be separately covered below.

Galeon is the robotic lion shown on the left. In the anime, Galeon combines with another show character named Guy and they in turn become GaiGar. The toy is however much simpler then the anime. Galeon can easily become transformed into GaiGar. This toy has a simplistic transformation that anyone should be able to perform. This is one of my favorite parts of the GaoGaiGar toys. I hate the complex transformations the newer Beast Wars, Beast Machines and Car Robots require. Due to the age of the GaoGaiGar toys, there aren't super amounts of articulation as expected. Just several important joints.

Liner Gao
Liner Gao, is a Japanese bullet train. This mech forms the arms of GaoGaiGar in the combined mode. This is a very simple toy. It has wheels on the underside to allow it to side on a flat surface.

Drill Gao
Here is the Drill Tank. Drill Gao forms the legs of GaoGaiGar. Drill Gao can also connect to GaiGar's hands and be used as weapons. Take a look at the picture to see this combination in action. The Drill Gao toy is another simple toy. The drills can be rotated and of course used as weapons.

Stealth Gao
Here is the stealth bomber of the group. Stealth Gao forms the jet pack of GaoGaiGar. The fists are also contained on Stealth Gao. This toy is very, very simple. On the toy, GaoGaiGar's head is located on the underside of the Stealth Gao. Everything required to form the GaoGaiGar is found on the toys. No need to worry about losing loose pieces.
Stealth Gao can also be combined with GaiGar and then used as a jet pack. In toy form this is one combination that doesn't work that well. I looks poorly done.

Now, I'm sure your asking why is this toy so special. So far every toy is referred to as being simple. Well, the combined GaoGaiGar mode is the reason why. Take a look at the pictures and you'll see how impressive the toy looks. I personally love the design of GaoGaiGar and think the toy is an excellent representation of the art. Just take a look at the head and the lion on its chest. Tell me that just doesn't look awesome.

I am impressed with how easily and how well all the separate toys combine to form GaoGaiGar. The combined toy is also very durable and holds up well. There wouldn't be any pieces falling off on this baby.

One thing I wished for was that Takara had made the toy more articulated. GaoGaiGar can only move his shoulders and elbows. But the extra articulation would have made a much more complex transforming toy and possibly ruined the sturdiness of the combined toy. This is an older toy and its possibly Takara couldn't achieve this back then. With today's advancements I'm sure Takara could make a much better toy of GaoGaiGar. But I can live with this version of GaoGaiGar.

This toy of GaoGaiGar also includes his dividing driver. Don't ask me what it is as I have no idea. You can see the dividing driver in the last pic of GaoGaiGar.

Bottom line is you are a Transformers fan looking to add a little flavor to your collection you should give GaoGaiGar a try. It's a very big, tough and durable toy. Its well designed for its age. Plus you basically are getting 4 to 5 toys for the price of one. The pictures really don't show off his size. This toy is bigger then the just released Super Fire Convoy. He is also a heavy chunk of plastic.

But if you are a Transformers fan who is only happy with Beast Wars and Car Robots level of articulation then stay away from this guy, as you will be disappointed. Ya can't please every body.


Liner Gao


Stealth Gao


Nothing beats a Stealth bomber


Drill Gao


Anybody have a toothache?


Galeon is ready to strike!!


Galeon is king


Check out the mettalic gold mane




The sleek GaiGar


GaiGar and Stealth Gao combined


GaiGar and Drill Gao combined


The ultimate GaoGaiGar


This is one big ass toy


GaoGaiGar and his Dividing Driver



HyouRyu Close Up

Next up is G-05 HyouRyu. HyouRyu's vehicle form is a blue crane. Get used to the mold as there are a total of three trucks in the GaoGaiGar toyline, which used the same basic mold with some differences.

HyouRyu can be combined with EnRyu to form ChoRyuJin. Don't worry you'll see the pics below

As you can see from the pics the vehicle form is pretty well done with some nice detail. Again the GaoGaiGar toys won't compete with the detailing and engineering of today's Transformers toys. But I feel they hold up well. HyouRyu features a pretty easy transformation from vehicle mode to robot mode.

Takara did manage to get a few gimmicks into HyouRyu. The crane on the back will rotate around 360 degrees. The crane can also be extendable as shown in one of the pics. I'm not exactly sure of how far it will go, as I've never measured it. The toy also features a hidden compartment on the back of one leg where HyouRyu's freeze gun is stored. No need to worry about losing that. That's always an A+ in my book. Remember how easy it was to lose the fist of the G1 Prime?

The robot mode is very nice in its simplicity. It features pretty good detailing. Check out the dial on his chest. The dial can be adjusted which changes the colors on HyouRyu's slots. I'm not sure what purpose this serves, as I've never seen the anime.

Check out how the crane hangs from his back. Now the crane isn't there for style points. I believe it can be used as a rifle in robot mode. I'd hate to be in that thing's sites. HyouRyu features a nice level of articulation for a toy of this age. But most of the articulation is barely useable due to how it was designed. But as long as the toy has useable knee joints I can't complain.

HyouRyu comes with his freeze gun. I'm sure you know what that does.

This is another cool GaoGaiGar toy, which I like. I love the vehicle form. Plus it combines with EnRyu to give you a kick ass robot. Everybody loves combiners.


Check out how the crane hangs on the back


Looking for a fight


HyouRyu in crane mode


Check out the front cab


Here is a side shot of the cab


The crane actually extends


HyouRyu's robot mode


HyouRyu's Freeze Gun.
Guess what it does?


The freeze gun is stored in a hidden compartment in the back of the leg.



EnRyu Close Up

Next up is HyouRyu's dancing partner. Presenting G-06 EnRyu.

As you can tell from the pics EnRyu's vehicle form is that of a fire engine. Form the pics you can see how this is the same mold as HyouRyu with some differences, such as the ladder. There are also two other GaoGaiGar toys that use the same mold as HyouRyu and EnRyu. I forget their names. But in total there was a Blue Crane, Red Fire Engine, Yellow Dump Truck and a Green Cement Mixer. Each has the same mold with a few differences.

Everything that applies to HyuoRyu also applies to EnRyu. I actually prefer the color red so EnRyu is my favorite.

EnRyu comes with his flame gun. Don't ya love these titles? He also comes packaged with a shield. I guess EnRYu sees a little more of the action then HyouRyu so he needs a little more protection.

Fans of Transformers: Car Robots should recognize this toy slightly. The vehicle mode and the hanging ladder in robot mode are the clues. If you look closely you'll see a little of Super Fire Convoy. This should get you motivated to go out and buy EnRyu. Imagine how much Takara thought of this GaoGaiGar toy to create a similar Convoy toy in their Transformers line.

Due to how great a toy Super Fire Convoy is, I really wish Takara would make some updated GaoGaiGar toys.

If you own Super Fire Convoy you have to go out and get at the least EnRyu. Imagine how good those two fire engines would look together. If I get enough requests I can snap a few shots of the two together.(Hint, Hint)


The chest dial can be adjusted which causes a color change. Not sure of the exact purpose


Here the gun compartment is closed


Watch out. Flames coming atcha


EnRyu's fire engine mode
Remind you of anyone else?


Check out the front cab


The crane extends out


Check out the back. If you look close you can see EnRyu's fists


EnRyu's robot mode


Check out how good the back looks


EnRyu's flame gun


EnRyu also has a shield



ChoRyuJin Close Up

Here is the combined form of HyouRyu and EnRyu, G-04 ChoRyuJin.

By now you are probably asking what are all the G-#s for. Takara has always used this type of numbering system in identifying their toys. The Japanese G1 Transformers had it and the new Car Robots have it. In the case of Transformers, it was C-0# for Cybertron and D-0# for Destron.

Keep in mind that Takara generally will sell combiners separately in separate packages or in a deluxe package with all the combiners included. Takara also does this with their Transformers line. Don't ask me why. In own the G-04 ChoRyuJin Deluxe set which includes HyouRyu and EnRyu.

Now on to the toy. The red and blue halves look great together. I love the combined form. The only thing that sucks is articulation is basically not existent. You basically can slightly move the arms. The head can also be moved. That's basically it. Don't worry about lack of articulation, as this toy will look great on display next to GaoGaiGar and your other Transformers. But you better tell Super Fire Convoy to move over and make room

The most poseable part of this toy is the blue crane and fire ladder. In Robot mode they generally will hang towards the back of the figure. But I didn't do this in the pics as the figure wouldn't fit in my work area. The blue crane and fire ladder can be used as weapons in this combined robot mode or as means of rescue by extending them out.

Well, what do you think of the GaoGaiGar toys? I still have a few to get. I am planning on purchasing the yellow dump truck and green cement mixer deluxe set as soon as it pops up.


EnRyu and HyouRyu combine


The cranes normally hang towards back. But they can be used as weapons.


Check out the back. Very clean apperance.


Here is a close up of the front


Here is ChoRyuJin's fist. Do you recoginze it? Thats the freeze gun

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