"An it harm none, do what thou wilt"


When doing spells of any sort you must remember not to do them to harm others. Although it is possible to make a mistake and use your will unconsciously against someone. Here in comes the 'Three Fold Law', anything you do harmful, manipulative or for your own gain against others, it will be returned upon you three times as bad. Well, enough reiterating on things you should already be aware of, let's get to the good stuff. I shall not put within these pages spells that I haven't myself found good results with. Also I shall be constantly adding new spells as well, this site will be under construction for some time. I shall not put hexes or other curses and the such, I think real witches are above this petty foolishness. Feel free to Email spells to me and I'll add them to my site.


A Quartz and Candle Spell

Have a candle the color of your symbolic need,

Or as you intuition tells you.

White: protection, purification, peace

Red: protection, strength, health, passion, courage

Light Blue: healing, patience, happiness

Dark Blue: change, psychism

Green: money, fertility, growth, employment

Yellow: intellect, attraction, study, divination

Brown: healing, animals

Pink: love, friendships

Orange: stimulation, energy

Purple: power, healing severe diseases, spiritual, meditation

 With the tip of a cleansed single terminated (pointed) quartz crystal

scratch a symbol of your need into the candle using rune symbols or

Something else symbolic, or write what you want on the candle. As

You draw or write visualize your need with crystal clarity as if it had

Already manifested. Place the candle in a holder, set the crystal near it

and light the wick. As the flame shines, again strongly visualize.

The crystal candle and symbol will do there work.


A Druid's Draught for Immortality

In the heat of the summer try sipping a refreshing Druid's draught

Of Immortality. Take no more then a silver tablespoonful of this

Powerful potion at sunset and sunrise for seven days.

 Make an infusion of Heather, honeysuckle, red clover and

Vervain steeped in around a cup of pure spring water.

Strain the mixture carefully before sipping.

Vervain is one of the Druids seven sacred herbs, often called

Upon by witches and magicians.

*Disclaimer: Warning, take at your own risk*


Love Magick

*Never do love magic, it only ends in heart ache*


Magick for Diviners


Spirit Aid

To gain the help of benevolent entities when performing any divinatory

Art, mix together Wild thyme, and Wood sorrel and burn the mixture as

an incense offering to the spirit world.


To Increase Psychic Vision

Burn some dried mugwort as a magickal incense while scrying. Brewed

As a tea, often with lemon balm, mugwort can be consumed to aid divination, meditation, and all forms of psychic development. Many Witches and scryers use mugwort tea to wash and consecrate their divining tools, such as a scrying mirror.


Spiritual Power Spell

To increase your spiritual powers, mix cloves with some dried and ground chicory root and cinquefoil. Burn as an incense offering to the spirit world when consulting runes , psychic visions or dreams.


Good Luck Magick


Good Luck Herb Jar

I Highly recommend this spell. To attract good fortune into your life or to

Change a streak of bad luck to good, fill a jar with any combination of the following magickal herbs: buckthorn bark, chamomile, clover, dandelion, frankincense, heal-all, honeysuckle, huckleberry leaves, Irish moss, Job's tears, John the Conqueror, khus-khus, lotus, lucky hand root, mistletoe, mojo wish beans, myrrh, nutmeg, peony root, queen of the meadow, rose hips, rosemary, sacred bark, sandalwood, spearmint, star anise, thyme, tonka bean.

Seal the jar tightly and keep it in your kitchen on a shelf of on a windowsill. Place your hands upon the jar each morning after you wake up, and say:





After reciting the magickal incantation, gently shake the jar a few times and then kiss it before putting it back.



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