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Ghost Links
Ever get that tingly, creepy and cold feeling at the nape of your neck, like someone was standing right behind you?   Or maybe you have heard strange noises in the night, coming from your attic, basement, or worse underneath your bed.  And maybe you've been (un)lucky enough to have encountered a spirit, naughty or nice?  Then this is the place for you - a list of my favorite links to web sites that in one way or another have a ghostly and ghastly flare to them. 

Be sure to keep a light on, there's some scary stuff to come.....
The Shadowlands
This is one of the best ghost sites I have come across - reference, links, information, photos, EVPs - mostly from the South Joisey areas.
Help June find out what's happening under her bed!  This site boasts over 20 cams fixed on certain rooms and areas of June's house - under her bed, in her basement, in the corridors. Be sure to check out the basement back exit - creeeeeepy even if no ghosts show up.  If you see something, capture it and report it to June.  She'll be forever grateful.....
The Wall
In Portland, they say there's a wall that from time to time displays strange ghostly writings and images, so they posted a cam and put it on the web to prove or disprove the legend....  check it out and report anything you see!  And try to control yourself from reporting  "Oh my GOD, I see a WALL!!!" as so many witty people have done.
Utah Ghost Hunters Society listings of Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) - some really, REALLY great recordings here.  You have to check these out!  The rest of the site is good too....look around, stay awhile, lose yourself.
The Philadelphia Ghost Hunter's alliance is one great site - the normal ghost stories, photos, etc. but also a section on fake ghost photos, seminars, and a really great links page to all kinds of paranormal sites. I give this site four screams out of five.
The Gray Lady
Another webcam "watcher" site in an old but still operational library in Evansville, IN.  Reports describe a ghostly lady dressed in gray wandering aisles, reaching for books, sitting amongst the living. Some reports mention a child as well.  I see things worthy of reporting often! You can also take an IPIX virtual tour of the rooms - great site.
Post your own true ghost story here. Apparently true ghost stories submitted by the public.  Some stories are lame, but it has a option that lets you list submitted stories by originating city.  The database is not all-encompasing, I'm afraid, but maybe with time it'll get better?.  Alas, no postings from my hometown yet.
Ireland's Eye Ghostcam
Monitors a printing room in an old mill.  
Note that in January of 2001 we found out that the tragic story of Helena Blunden (who supposedly fell to her death in the stairwell of the mill) was part of a "mystery" game set up by the Editors of Ireland's Eye.   However, they still maintain that workers at the printing company (which now resides in the old mill) have heard strange sounds and reported unusual sightings.  The cam is live - no doubt there.  Be there ghosts? We're not sure....
Check out some of the stuff I've captured on various ghostcams in the past...
Ordsall Hall
No doubts about this one - there's some strange stuff going on there.  A 24-hour live streaming video feed (that updates anywhere from every 4 seconds and up, depending on ISP service) of this hall in England.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws