Here are some pictures captured from various ghost-watch webcams. None are absolute proof of the existance of a ghost in any form, but I feel these are strange enough to warrant some serious consideration..  
Note that some of the pictures in this site have a "mouseover" feature - that is,
move your mouse arrow over the picture, and it will display a different picture.
Ordsall Hall in England - arguably the webcam with the most visual proof.  LOTS of strange stuff going on at this place!  
HAUNTED LIBRARIES!! Here find captures from the Willard library in Evansville, Indiana and The Snow Isle library in Snohomish.
USS Lexington (retired aircraft carrier), supposedly haunted; the jury is still out as to whether this webcam is a setup or not.  Still, some rather creepy pictures......
Various other webcam pics from Ireland's Eye, The Wall in Oregon, under June's bed, etc.
Have a pic you'd like posted here?  Or just have a comment about the page?  Email me!  I'd love to hear from you!
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