Willard Library, 3:43pm.  Lavender haze in chair, a little too transparent to be a sweater or jacket.

At 3:52pm a man sits in the chair across from it. The haze stays, but was gone 30 seconds later when the webcam refreshed.
2:47pm a woman appears. She seems to be wearing a long full dress, and she's very grey compared to the rest of the people in this shot........

3:56pm a different form appears, dark grey (almost black) with light grey hair.  Gone in the next refresh.  I didn't see anyone dressed like either of these "people" in any of the webcam shots before or after that day.
Back to GOTCHA page....
Snowhomish Library
Submitted by Keith, a fellow ghostcam watcher. Looks like a lady in an old-fashionedlong dress with a bussel, and possibly a hat.  She disappeared in the next refresh.

Jan 9, 2001 7:33-7:34pm.  Ectoplasm near the back window?  There is only a 30-second delay between each of the 3 pics shown in the animation on the left.

I assume the ecto was forming inside the room, since part of the ecto appears in FRONT of the grey cabinet near the window.
Willard Library, Kids Reading Room, June 11, 2001..  First let me say I've rarely seen anything change in the kids room at night; maybe a light shines in through the small room window, and there's always some cam distortion as the cam interprets movement of darkness.  But never have I seen anything remotely close to the display at the left!

The room was unusually hazy that night ( I adjusted the contrast in these pics to better see the anomalies), so I started up my auto-save program.  I looked thru my pics the next day and saw that 4 shots had white blobs or rods in them.  Note the one pic with the spiraly looking rod.... I was immediately reminded of
this pic from GhostStudy!  I am also floored at the last pic which has a close up of something very bright right in front of the cam!  Very cool......  I'd say something was whizzing around the room that night.
Same night, June 11... k, check it out.... my friend and fellow ghostwatcher, Laurie, was also auto-saving after my program stopped, and she caught what I'm positive is rod energy about 40 minutes later!!  Thanks Laurie for letting me post your pic here  :-)
Snohomish again.  Note the white blip at the far right of the orange bookcase.  In negative view it's pretty clear the "tail" end of this anomalie extends out past the bookcase.  I am ruling out a beam of light as I'm pretty sure it would have just "bent" around the bookcase. This thing seems to be zipping from right to left at an upward angle.

I was saving at a refresh rate of 5 seconds, and this quick little thing was nowhere to be seen in any other shots. If it was a sunbeam, I think it would continue to move across the bookcase or maybe reflect onto the floor, but not completely disappear, and note the sunlight patterns on the white bookcase - in 5 seconds they don't change at all.  See mouseover for the next capture 5 seconds later.

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