USS Lexington webcam shots
Viewing Tip
move your mouse pointer onto and off of each picture below to see the other comparison/ghost pics - this is the best way to note any differences!
see the man
below this arrow?
OK, this is definitely something in the back... I can make out a face, and maybe even a captain's hat, as well as part of the body and faint legs.
Mouseover:  same pic with linera brightness applied - you can even make out his facial features!
I see a child, and a man, and possibly someone wearing white. But who do
those legs on the far RIGHT belong to?

Mouseover: same pic with linear brightness applied.
"Mom and Dad, I'd like you to meet Mr. Tall, Dark and Transparent.... " visitors were here minutes before, fiddling with the wheels. Maybe this is our sailor, popping in to make sure no one messed anything up.

Mouseover:  in the next refresh, the overhead wheel has been moved... picky picky.
And a few others that are definitely strange......!!
Bottom left corner, white blur -  maybe ecto mist or vortex?
Mouseover:  blurry form, looks similar to the form in the pic to the right....
More blur... Note the lighter streak on the right coming out of (or going into?) the form.
Mouseover: very faint but still visible mist bottom left corner
What the heck??  Your guess is as good as mine as to what this is...
Mouseover:  strange black thing.  That's the best I can do for a description.
Little sailor man?  But where is his head, and where are his feet?
Mouseover: This guy thinks he's alone, but what's that thing near his right shoulder?
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