Other Webcam Pictures
Jan 24/01, 9am-10:15am my time (about 4pm Ireland time)  -  the old printing press against the left wall is supposed to be non-operational, not even plugged in according to the Editors of the site.  Yet this animation shows the press glowing as the room gradually darkens.   Also note in frames 5 & 6 that the bottle on top of the press moves.

Conditions:  pics were captured every 15 seconds or less.  Shown here are the 6 best pics out of over 90 captured.

We later asked the Editor to verify the press is non-operational; no response was received. 

(Please note:  we have discovered that some information at Ireland's Eye GhostWatch is false, in effect made up as part of a mystery "game" - go to this page to read what's what).

NO mousover on this pic.
Nov 3/00 at 10:40am - top middle of picture shows what seems to be a form coming out of the wall.

Mouseover shows the next screen capture only 3 minutes later; the room has darkened and the form in the wall is gone.
Nov 17/98 - Ok, there are just SO many things that bother me about this picture.  I am told that it appears this way because of graphics compression my browser was apparently using at the time, but all camera views EXCEPT 2 had these blurry forms in them.  Regardless, it's still a creepy pic, starting with the skull just below the other cam, the small "holes" all over the place, and that thing that's risen out of the floor beam to the left next to the coiled cable.

Mouseover shows what the area looks like normally.

Captured at June's
Ghostwatcher site. Note: I am quite sure that June's cams are no longer live, if they ever were.  However, the sites of the pictures are creepy enough in themselves.
The Wall - in Oregon, said to have writing appear and disappear.  What I noticed is a small skeletal face looking down and to the right, located 3 bricks down from top and second brick from left, in the small pink rectangle...  do you see it? 

Mouseover was captured minutes later, and the face is gone.

There's also some darker gray scribbling in the bottom right corner.  Although in this capture it's illegible, I have another pic that clearly spells out the word "YES"....  .

Note:  the Wall site has recently been shut down.  Not sure yet if this permanent.
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