The  Mother of God   and The Holy Mountain Athos in Greece, Macedonia
At an old Greek Orthodox text is mentioned a story connecting the Mother of God with the Holy Mountain Athos. When the Apostles "shared" the earth in areas, to choose where each one of them should travel and pearch the Gospel, the Mother of God asked an area for her in order to take an active role and teach Christianity to the nations. Initially, she choosed the
area of Ibiria, in todays Georgia, eastern than Black Sea. When she was ready to travel, appeared the Archangel Gabriel and told her: "Mother of God, Virgin, Jesus Christ who is born by you,  lets you know that you should not travel to Ibiria but in penisula of Greece, Macedonia,that is called Mount Athos and it will be enlightened by your face".
When the Mother of God arrived in Mount Athos, all the  idols in  the ancient Greek temples in Mount Athos started to agitate, move,scream and shout. A large voice originated from the idols was saying: "All the priests of Apollon go to the port Klementos to welcome the Mother of Great God Maria". The priests went to the port where today exist the Monastery of Ibira and welcomed with great respect the Mother of God, the Evangelist John and learned by them the Holy Mysteries of Jesus Christ.
The priests admired the fact that although Maria was Hebrew, she explained everything to them in perfect Greek.  The Mother of God loved very much Holy Mount Athos in Greek Macedonia and she wished the following: "My God and Son bless that land and my area, cover it with your mercy, and keep protected, until the End of the Ages, all the land, and all the inhabitants of this land through your holy Name and my name, allow them with a few work, pain, and struggle for penance, their sins to be forgiven. Fill them with everything good and essential for this temporary life, render them worthy to gain the future eternal life, and glorify that mountain more than any other place. Make it admirable with every kind of wonders. Bring here people from every nation of the world, who are named with your name Christians, and widen their camps from one edge to another, from the North to the South. release them from the eternal Hell and save them from every offence from visible and invisible enemies , from every sect and make them peacefull inside the Orthodox Faith." When she ended her wish, a voice from sky replied: "All these things you requested me, my mother will be happen,  if these people keep my orders. From now and then, this land will be your area, your garden, paradise and harbour of saviour for those who want to be saved, but also a refuge and shelter and calm harbour for penance of people who are full of sins."
God Bless Greece, Macedonia our Home Sweet Home
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