Main Entrance Diagon Alley   Sorting Hat
Entrance Hall
Welcome to Hogwarts RPG
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Dear ALL  stuents already enrolled,
As you see there has been a slight change to the setting of this Online Hogwarts as our old Homepage supporter has ~ CRASHED~ and this is the new one!

All new students are to become sorted and then they are capable of going to Diagon Alley and buying their suppplies! Resonses will be issued 1- 2 weeks after application has been recieved if this period has been incresed please send again. REMEBER type in your FULL e-mail e.g. [email protected].
Teachers are needed to teach e-mail me here or come here for more information.

Tell A Friend About Our Site!
I will try to inform you on any of the MAJOR Updates to Hogwarts e.g. New Diagon Alley shops, the constructrion of a new Tower etc.

This site is newly up! Even though I haven't linked it to the front page I intend to soon! I am working on the Sorting Hat and Diagon Alley right now! Sorting Hat is Now ready! Diagon Alley nneds some help though!
          ~ 2 Hours Later ~
Well Now I have finishe Diagon Alley with the more important shops. All Students well enrolled are granted their animal or Delivery Prop FREE of charge!

I am now creating the Entrance Hall and its components(inc. Common Rooms and Dormitories etc. Due to our WSP Colapsing there will be no passwords SO STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO KEEP PROMISES UNTIL PASSWORDS ARE GENERATED!

Finnally there are Passwords.Students that HAVE been cheating and looking at all common rooms I have 2 words to say to you now..HA HA HA! And also if you have noticed the scroll ars are a different colour and anyone wanting to steal a graphic or picture will be out of luck as a right-click to the page will open a 'Function Disabled!' message.

The Common Room message Boards are up. Please go to your Common Rooms and post messages. TEACHERS  ARE NEEDED e-mail me
here or post a follow-up on your house messsage board. Please tell me the subject, your e-mail, Proffessor name and any other releavcent info such as why you are a good teacher for that sbject.
Teachers are needed click here to find out what positions are available and a summary of the history of Hogwarts.
Please E-Owl the Headmaster here
This is the Hogwarts Castle
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