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Kaoru Koganei

Kougon Anki

The Kougon Anki or the Adamantium Blade is an amazing weapon with 5 different forms or facets Although powerful, the multiple facets of this madougu also make it very complicated to use and it is also very time consuming to change from one shape to another. Normally, it takes a person about 10 secods to change from one shape to another and you cannot jump. You must transform it one step at a time. However, Kaoru can transform it in 0.6 seconds. This Madougu (Psychic Device) was given to Kaoru by Kurei since he used to work for Kurei's Uruha Junior section.

1st Form: 'The Tooth'/'Fang'

The form of the blade when it is at rest. This can only produce straight line attack and it is shaped like a long knife.

2nd Form: 'Dragon'

This form like two sickles attached together with a chain. It can produce all sorts of bent and streamline attack. It is powerful because it can attack people from behind or use the chain to bind the enemy.

3rd Form: 'Poles'

This is shaped like a pair of shears and can clip the weapons of other people

4th Form: Crescent

As its name implies, this has the shape of the new moon and if you throw it, it will return to you.like a flying plate.

5th Form: Bow & Arrow

It is in the shape of a bow which can shoot Dark Arrows. One of the best, since it can be shot in any direction towards any enemy.

6th Form

This is the final shape of Anki, which is to divide itself into many different pieces and shoot them out to attack the enemy. (It was only told by Recca's 7th Fire Dragon, Kokuu, before the final of Urabutou Satsujin, and it was not seen in action.)


Fuuko Kirisawa | Domon Ishijima | Tokiya Mikagami | Kaoru Koganei | Kage Houshi
Recca Hanabishi






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