Explore the range of creative services offered by 3RD EYE, including photography, videography, graphic design, content creation, and digital marketing.


Capture timeless moments with 3RD EYEn's photography services. Whether it's a portrait, event, or product, our skilled photographers bring a unique vision to every shot, ensuring stunning visual narratives.

disco duo flower face


Bring your story to life through 3RD EYE's videography services. From cinematic storytelling to promotional videos, our team crafts compelling visuals, combining creativity and technical expertise for a captivating viewer experience.

video screen bhts video screen

Graphic Design

Elevate your brand with 3RD EYE's graphic design services. Our designers blend aesthetics with functionality, creating visually striking logos, branding materials, and marketing collateral that leave a lasting impression.

desk design graphic 3d printer

Content Creation

Fuel your online presence with 3RD EYE's content creation services. We produce engaging and shareable content, including articles, social media posts, and multimedia elements, tailored to resonate with your target audience.

collaboration computer content content creation phone

Digital Marketing

Boost your online visibility with 3RD EYE's digital marketing expertise. From strategic planning to execution, we deploy targeted campaigns across various channels, ensuring your brand reaches and resonates with the right audience.

collaboration two layout content analytics


Base Hourly Rates

Photography: $75 per hour
Videography: $100 per hour
Digital Marketing: $85 per hour
Content Creation: $90 per hour
Graphic Design: $80 per hour

At 3RD EYE Creative Studio, we understand that every project is unique, and our pricing model is designed to accommodate the diverse needs of our clients. Our hourly rates reflect the expertise and dedication we bring to each service, ensuring that your project receives the attention to detail it deserves.

Factors Influencing Pricing

Project Complexity: The complexity of your project can influence pricing. Intricate concepts and challenging execution may require additional time and resources.
Client Needs: Your specific requirements play a crucial role in determining the overall cost. Whether it's a basic photoshoot or an elaborate marketing campaign, we tailor our services to meet your needs.
Equipment Usage: The type and extent of equipment required for your project can impact pricing. Specialized equipment or advanced technology may incur additional costs.
Production Scale: Larger-scale productions with more extensive planning, coordination, and execution may require more time and resources, affecting the overall cost.
Editing and Post-Production: The level of post-production work needed, such as editing, retouching, or video editing, can influence the final pricing.

Customized Quotes

To provide you with the most accurate pricing, we offer customized quotes based on a detailed understanding of your project. Come book a free consultation with your first visit at 3RD EYE! Designed to delve into your unique project requirements, goals, and aspirations. During this complimentary session, our expert team will listen to your ideas, discuss your vision, and provide valuable insights tailored to your needs. We'll discuss your vision, goals, and specific requirements to create a tailored proposal that aligns with your budget.

Get in Touch

Contact us TODAY to discuss your upcoming project. Whether you're looking for stunning visuals, effective marketing strategies, or compelling content, 3RD EYE is committed to bringing your ideas to life. Our transparent and flexible pricing ensures that you only pay for the services you need, making quality creativity accessible to all. Head on over to our CONTACT page for more information!

Please note that the provided hourly rates are for illustrative purposes, and actual rates may vary based on industry standards, location, and specific market conditions. It's crucial to conduct market research and adjust rates accordingly to remain competitive and sustainable in the industry. These numbers are just a base price for each category of service and will vary depending on prodiuction needs of client.