17th Station: Okitsu


After passing through the Satsuta pass, you can see the Okitsu river. It is the only river where you can fish ayu, or sweetfish in eastern Japan.

The water level is not that high, and travelers were able to cross the river free of charge from October through March; however, they had to pay the crossing fee to laborers regardless of the water level from April through September.

In Okitsu, there is a famous temple, Seiken-ji, where it is said that Tokugawa Ieyasu studied when he was a hostage of Imagawa. The temple has a long history and there are many worthseeing rooms and objects.

There used to be many summer houses of VIPs in the government, such as Inoue Kaoru from the Meiji era (1868-1912) through early Showa era (1926-1989).

Tokaido route

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