1st Station: Shinagawa

Shinagawa Station was the 1st station from Nihonbashi. It used to be one of the most busiest posting stations among 53 tokaido stations. Daimyo gyoretsu or daimyo processions of western hans (clans) took a rest and prepared anything they needed before they got into Edo. Also, townspeople in Edo also came to this district for fun: it was a pleasured district for them. Officially, there were supposed to be 500 yuujo or prostitutes in this Shinagawa station, but it is said that there were around 1500 prostitutes, and it was called "southern Yoshiwara" (Yoshiwara was an official pleasant district in Edo during the Edo era.)

Unfortunately, all shuku or inns, no honjin or official appointed inn are gone, but there are still old buildings left, and you can enjoy visiting historical spots with a map available at the rest area called "Tokaido Shinagawa-shuku Oyasumi dokoro".

Tokaido route

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