Brand Identity is a very enjoyable but at the same time a very tricky process. In order to create a brand identity, it is crucial for the designer to understand, capture and translate the essence of their client into the design.

Creating websites from scratch is my first true passion. I have created numerous websites, both static and responsive, for number of businesses and still continue to maintain most of them.

Working as a Training Specialist for 5 years was an amazing milestone in my professional career. Teaching not only brought me closer to the various subjects I worked with but also made me understand what were the most important aspects of the learning process. This helped me tremendously in my work on creating and delivering the best professional learning aids and materials, which are cureently used by more than 3,500 employees.

Having realized the most important aspects of the learning porcess and having worked with software programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. propelled me into the E-Learning environment. Through my knowledge and experience I am capable of elevating the learning process and making it avaiable to much larger audience.

Animation is something I learned how to do on my own. The knowledge and tools I acquired while studying Graphic Design and Media Art opened many additional doors into the the fascinating art of moving images.

I love taking photos and more specifically photos of food. Close-ups is my specialty. As much as I enjoy snapping pictures of beatufully prepared dishes, my experience through the years has given me knowledge how to turn even the most boring meal into a mouth-watering experience.

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