Also inspect Safe Colours Browser Safe colours with 3 pairs of hex numbers, only using 0,3,6,9,C,F
Hex Codes and Names for 140 Colours

Background and Font colour Selector
The colours are shown by both code and name. The names are not understood by old browsers.
Violetred and navyblue are two examples where the code has to be used instead of the word
The colours are arranged by hues, blues, browns, greens, pale, orange and violet.
Click on the named button to change the background colour.

#000000black #191970midnightblue
#4A0082indigo #483D8Bdarkslateblue
#0000CDmediumblue #0000FFblue
#6A5ACDslateblue #7B68EEmediumslateblue
#1E90FFdodgerblue #6495ED cornflowerblue
#00BFFF deepskyblue#87CEFAlightskyblue
#87CEEBskyblue #00FFFFcyan
#B0C4DElightsteelblue #ADD8E6lightblue
#F0FFFFazure #E6E6FAlavender
#FFE4C4bisque #FFEBCDblanchedalmond
#D2B48Ctan #DEB887burlywood
#D2691Echocolate #CD853Fperu
#B8860B darkgoldenrod #8B4513 saddlebrown
#7FFFD4aquamarine#66CDAA mediumaquamarine
#40E0D0 turquoise#48D1CCmediumturquoise
#00FF7Fspringgreen #00FA9Amediumspringgreen
#2E8B57seagreen #808000olive
#6B8E23olivedrab #006400darkgreen
#778899lightslategray #708090slategray
#2F4F4Fdarkslategray #F8F8FFghostwhite
#FAEBD7antiquewhite #FFF0F5lavenderblush
#FF69B4hotpink #FFE4E1 mistyrose
#FF4500orangered #FF0000red
#FFC0CBpink #FFB6C1lightpink
#D8BFD8 thistle #DDA0DDplum
#DA70D6 orchid#EE82EE violet
#FF00FF fuchsia#BA55D3 mediumorchid
#9932CC darkorchid#9400D3darkviolet
#9370DB mediumpurple#C71585mediumvioletred
#DB7093palevioletred#8A2BE2 blueviolet
#8B008B darkmagenta#800080purple

Fine adjustments - Click hex and change to color you like
Use arrows to finely tune the shade you selected.

The background color is: values of Red + Green + Blue - Button names began as "AFBFCF"
Choose a button to change background colour, note its code name of 6 hex numbers.
Alter each button to the new hex code portion, then get small changes using the < or > keys.
Note when the background colour becomes different to the colour you chose.
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