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Mannings Family Tae Kwon Do

Scott Manning, Owner and Chief Instructor
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children's Children's Home Rules 
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  • Children should strive to learn up to their age potential corresponding to the number. (For example, a 9 year old child should learn at least up to the 9th Children's Home Rule.)
  • Children's Home Rules are required material for the promotion tests.  However, over achievement is never discouraged. The emphasis is to build a stronger more respectful relationship between children and their order for this to occur positive reinforcement is necessary at home and at school. 
  • We approach the children from the perspective of not only memorizing the Children's Home Rules, but learning to do what they say, and making these rules a constant positive habit. 
  • Anyone who is under the age of 15 must learn the Children's Home Rules too.
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     Underlined material represents the most important part or Key Word(s) for each of the rules.
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    1. Children shall GREET THEIR PARENTS when they enter the house and say good-bye when they leave.
    2. Children will at all times BE RESPECTFUL to their parents and their grandparents.
    3. Children will at all times BE TRUTHFUL.
    4. Children will strive for a GOOD RELATIONSHIP with their brothers and sisters.
    5. Children will willing HELP WITH the household CHORES. 
    6. Children shall REPORT TO THEIR PARENTS that they have completed assigned tasks.
    7. Children shall BE RESPONSIBLE for the upkeep and neatness of their own rooms.
    8. Children will PRACTICE DAILY CLEANLINESS in the matter of hair, teeth, and body.
    9. Children shall ABIDE BY THEIR PARENT'S decisions.
    10. Children shall NOT INTERRUPT adult conversations.
    11. Children shall REFRAIN FROM ROWDY BEHAVIOR at home.
    13. Children will DILIGENTLY STUDY their school work at home and at school.
    14. Children will at all times SHOW RESPECT for their school, teachers, and peers.
    15. Children shall ALWAYS FINISH what they have already started.
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    me Home Practice Checklist
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    • Complete Chores and Fill out Citizenship Chart Daily
    • Study and FOLLOW Children Home Rules - Children must be respectful
    • Practice each day - start with at least 5 minutes
    • Practice Stretching, Basic Techniques, Poomse, Self-defense
    • Practice ONLY techniques you have been taught by your Instructors
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