This is our "Dam", Maochai! She's 2 years old. A smooth-haired dachshund with black and tan markings. She arrived home when she was 5 months old. Of course her vaccinations continued. Since then, we started spoiling her and training her at the same time. I think it was good balancing both aspects because she is still well-trained until today.

When she first arrived, she had skin disease. We weren't able to determine what kind but anyhow she wasn't weak. She became our "first family dog"! Then, she only weighed 5 lbs. After months of exercise and proper diet she grew just like any other daxies we see.

A month after she was in "heat". We paired her with Sparky (our neighbor's male dachshund), but she didn't get pregnant. When her second heat came, she also didn't get pregnant. After a year and a half old, finally she got pregnant!

During her first few weeks of pregnancy, i didn't know how to read her signs. Then her teats engorged. She had a human-like apetite, her sleeping patterns changed, she opted to be alone most of the time, she looked for a cool place where she can sleep and be comfortable at, she minimized socializing with other dogs and people, barks at others she doesn't like coming to her, and most of all wanted to be pet, huged nad loved by my husband, me and our son, James.

All throughout her pregnancy until her pup's birth, we supervised her every needs, and wants. But the training still stucked-in.

We thank Maochai for having that "motherly instinct" beside the fact that she was going to be a young mother and this is a new experience for her. She was and is still careful of her puppies from the moment they formed inside of her to the moment she felt them kicked until the moment they were healthily born! What more could an owner asked for?


Click on the thumnails to see more of Maochai's pictures before pregnancy upto delivering the puppies!


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