MapInfo Tutorial Home
Section One

Section One: Getting Started

Part One: About MapInfo

What is MapInfo?

MapInfo is a commercially available Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software package. Using the familiar Windows Icons Menus Pointer (WIMP) Graphical User Interface (GUI), it allows the user to import geographically referenced data and to create thematic maps of different variables.

The current version of MapInfo Professional is version 7.5. A 20 day trial version may be downloaded free of charge by following the steps below.

Downloading a trial version

Basic GIS

GIS logo

File formats

To use a coverage, or map layer, in MapInfo, a number of files are required. Important: Do not delete any of these files for a given coverage. MapInfo requires all of them for a coverage to work. Only if you wish to delete the entire coverage and not use it again should you delete any of these files, in which case delete all the files associated with a given coverage name. Otherwise, should you delete one, you will probably lose your work.

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On to Section One, Part Two: MapInfo Basics

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