MapInfo Tutorial Home
Section One

Section One: Getting Started

Part Two: MapInfo Basics

The MapInfo window

Open MapInfo Professional version 7.5 now: Start > Programs > MapInfo > MapInfo Professional 7.5

MapInfo Screen

If you are using the free trial version, a dialog box will appear asking you to enter 'Enter Licence Key' if you have purchased the full version of MapInfo, in which case enter the key and click Update Licence Now. Alternatively, click Continue Trial Period.

A dialog box will appear inviting you to open either a table or a workspace. For now, click cancel. Take a look at the MapInfo window.

MapInfo has a title bar including minimise, restore or maximise, and close buttons.

Below the title bar is the menu bar with the following menus.
Relevant menu items are discussed in the appropriate sections of the tutorial.

Other menus may appear on the menu bar during your use of MapInfo. For example, should you create a map window (Section Three, Part One), a Map menu will appear.

The main area of the MapInfo window is taken up by the workspace. This area forms a background on which browsers, maps, legends, graphs and layouts may be opened, each in a new window.


Below the menu bar is a toolbar which features the following icons, from left to right:
These buttons duplicate commonly used menu items.

MapInfo also has floating toolbars. The Main and Drawing toolbars appear by default when MapInfo is opened. Other toolbars may be added using the Toolbars command in the Options menu (Options > Toolbars). The standard toolbar may be dragged downwards to form a floating toolbar. Floating toolbars may be dragged upwards to sit beneath the menu bar.

Main Toolbar The main toolbar has selection tools (Section Four, Part One), view tools such as zoom in, zoom out, and pan, layer management tools (Section Three, Part One), and other tools such as a meaurement tool, statistics tool and legend control tools (Section Three, Part One).
Drawing Toolbar The drawing toolbar contains tools for drawing new line and region entities, and for other features such as adding text.
Tools Toolbar The tools toolbar by default includes tools such as Run MapBasic program (also accessed by Tools > Run MapBasic Program, discussed in Section Four, Part Three, and Run Mapping Wizard Tool (Tools > Mapping Wizard Tool > Run Mapping Wizard Tool). However, more tools may be added to this toolbar using Tools > Tool Manager, discussed in Section Three, Part Three.

Mapping Wizard Go to Mapping Wizard Tool
DBMS Toolbar GIS logo DBMS stands for Database Management System.
The DBMS toolbar allows tables external to MapInfo to be linked seamlessly into MapInfo so that they may be manipulated using MapInfo's controls. This toolbar is not often used, but it is an important feature to be aware of.

However, before we can play with any of these features, we must first import some data.

On to Section Two: Importing Data

Section One
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