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Section Two

Section Two: Importing Data

Part Three: Appending Columns of Data to Mappable Tables

It may be that the data you open in MapInfo is already attached to boundary data, in which case, ignore this section entirely! However, you may have data in spreadsheets and other tables imported into MapInfo which does not have attached boundary data. You may still produce graphs (Section Three, Part Two) or run queries (Section Four, Part One) on these data. However, if you wish to use these data to make maps, you must combine the tables without boundary data with a table of the same geography which has boundary data attached.

Add fields

Add fields Firstly, we need to add new data fields to the existing tables which contain the boundary data, to contain the new data we wish to add. Do not underestimate the amount of time this may take if you have a lot of data to add.
  • Table > Maintenance > Table Structure: A dialog box appears, showing a list of fields, with their name and type. Don't worry about the checkboxes in the indexed column, but do not uncheck any boxes that are already checked.
  • Click the Add Field button. A field appears at the bottom of the list. Give your new field a name, preferably the same name as the column of data in the table you wish to import data from. Choose an appropriate type for your data, for example, character, integer (whole numbers) or float (decimal numbers).
  • Do this for each new column of data you wish to add. If you wish to remove a field, first make sure it is selected and click the Remove Field button.
  • Make sure the Table is Mappable checkbox on the right is ticked. Click OK.

Append rows

Append rows
  • Table > Update Column: A dialog box appears.
  • For Table to Update, make sure the table to which you have just added new fields to receive the data is selected.
  • You can only transfer one column of data at a time. It is easiest to work from left to right of the table, i.e. top to bottom of the drop down list. In Column to Update, select the leftmost column of those you have just added. In Get Value from Table, select the table where the value you want to get is now.
  • There is also an option to add a value to the column which is not from another table. If the value is the same for all the records, type it in the Value textbox. If not, choose Assist. The Expression dialog box appears. Alternatively, you can create an expression during the mapping process itself. The former is better if you want to store the values and use them more than once, whereas the latter is quicker if you do not.
  • You can add values from several different tables to one mappable table, by changing the selection in Get Value from Table. Your original tables are unaffected by having their values added to other tables, as this process copies rather than cuts their values.
The processes described in section two have greater potential when used in combination than individually. Downloaded data may be opened directly in MapInfo, or have to be converted into a suitable file type and then imported. Data which are not mappable may be added to tables of the same geography which are. This allows greater flexibility in the types of data that can be used in MapInfo.

Once your MapInfo table is complete, you can finally begin making maps!

On to Section Three: Creating Thematic Maps

Section Two
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