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Section Three

Section Three: Creating Thematic Maps

Part Two: Creating Graphs

Creating graphs

MapInfo can also be used to create graphs of the variables in the tables. We will create a graph to show the number of people in each ethnic group in each ward of Bradford in 1991, as an example.
HintData in tables which are not mappable may be used to create graphs.
Mapping Wizard The Create Graph wizard may also be accessed by choosing the Create Graph option from stage 3, Analyse, of the Mapping Wizard Tool.
Graph Step One
  • Step One: Choose the type of graph you require from the menu on the left. Choose an appropriate subtype from the preview window on the right. For our example, we will choose a column graph using the Clustered template. Click next.
Graph Step Two
  • Step Two: Choose the table in which the variable you wish to create a graph of is stored from the drop down menu at the top.
  • Select the field(s) from the table you wish to make a graph of. Click the Add>> button to add these fields to the graph. For this example, select all the fields except the total population.
  • If you wish to add variables from more than one table, choose the next table from the drop down menu at the top and add fields from it in the same way.
  • Choose the field with which you want to label the x-axis of your graph. Choose whether the series is in rows or columns. In our case, the series is in columns. Click OK.
  • GIS logoThe axis across the bottom of the graph is the x-axis, which is used to show the independent variable, i.e. the variable against which the dependent variable, which is on the y-axis (up the side of the graph) is measured. In our example the x-axis would show the ward, and the y-axis a count of people in each ethnic group.
Stacked Column Graph

On to Section Three, Part Three: Creating Layouts

Section Three
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