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Section Three: Creating Thematic Maps

Part Three: Creating Layouts

Creating layouts

Mapping Wizard Layouts may also be created in stage 4, Publish, of the Mapping Wizard Tool.

Layouts of maps, graphs, legends etc may be produced in MapInfo.

Create Layout
  • Make sure all the windows you wish to include in your layout are open. Restore the windows and drag the edges so that the least possible amount of white space is showing around the features of interest.
  • Select Window > New Layout Window, or alternatively choose the New Layout button on the toolbar. The New Layout dialog box appears.
  • If you wish to make a layout containing just one frame, choose the frame from the drop down menu now, and click OK. Creating a layout for one frame is better than printing it directly as you can resize and reorientate it in relation to A4 paper, as well as adding text boxes such as titles.
  • HintIf you are including a map in a layout, MapInfo automatically includes its legend.
  • If you already have a number of items which you wish to include in your layout, it is better if no windows other than these are open. Choose Frames for All Currently Open Windows, and click OK. A layout window is produced with all the required frames which may be moved, aligned, and resized.
  • If you wish to produce a blank layout, which you may use for text, choose No Frames, and click OK. However, it is probably better to use a word processing package.


Once you have created your layout there are a number of things you can do to improve the presentation. It may look a bit of a mess at this stage, especially if you created a layout for many open windows.

Standard practices

We have already touched on some issues of standard practice throughout the tutorial, such as always having a legend for each map. However, there are a number of other issues relating to standard practice which are important.

On to Section Three, Part Four: Exporting Data

Section Three
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