MapInfo Tutorial Home
Section Three

Section Three: Creating Thematic Maps

Part Four: Exporting Data

Exporting MapInfo Tables

Mapping Wizard Layouts may also be created in stage 4, Publish, of the Mapping Wizard Tool.
  • File > Save Table: This command will only be available if changes have been made to the table since it was last saved.
  • Table > Export: Tables may be exported in MapInfo Interchange Format (.mif), as delimited text files (.txt), database files (.dbf) or .dxf files.

    Exporting maps, legends and graphs

    Mapping Wizard Windows containing maps, graphs and legends may also be exported using the Save Window to File option from stage 4, Publish, of the Mapping Wizard Tool.

    Exporting to ArcGIS

    MapInfo to ArcGIS
    • This is the reverse process to that importing files in ArcInfo interchange format (.e00), as discussed in Section Two, Part Two.
    • Use the left hand text field to choose the MapInfo (.tab) files you wish to export to ArcGIS. Use the right hand text field to navigate to the directory where you wish to save the files. As with importing data, is is advisable to check all the boxes at the right hand side.
    • Click Translate.

    The Universal Translator

    Universal Translator
    • The Universal Translator may be used to import and export file types not covered so far, for example ESRI shape files (.shp). The drop down lists in the Universal Translator dialog box show which file types are allowed.
    • Choose the source and destination file formats. Choose the source file, i.e. the one to be translated, and the destination directory which the translated file is to be saved to.
    • It is important to set the correct map projection using the Projection button. For files such as the ones used in this tutorial, i.e. files obtained from UK census websites, the projection will be British National Grid.
    • Click OK when you are happy with the options you have chosen.

    On to Section Four: Advanced Features

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