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Section Two

Section Two: Importing Data

Part Two: Opening and Importing Tables

MapInfo tables (.tab)

MapInfo tables with which we can work have the extension .tab (for example, However, much of the data we acquired in Section Two, Part One were in other file formats such as Excel (.xls) or MapInfo Interchange format (.mif and .mid), and must therefore be converted into .tab files before we can begin to use them in MapInfo.

Mapping Wizard Opening tables in different file formats for making maps and graphs may also be done in stage 1, Data, and stage 2, Maps, of the Mapping Wizard Tool.

To open a MapInfo table (.tab), go to File > Open. Navigate to the directory where the table is stored, select it, and click Open.

MapInfo Interchange Format (.mif and .mid)

Excel files (.xls)

ArcInfo files (.e00)

ArcGIS to MapInfo
  • ArcGIS is another piece of GIS software. It has some similarities to MapInfo. It has many features which MapInfo does not have, although most of these are related to analysis of the physical environment, for example, producing Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), viewsheds and stream networks. However, it is much more complex to use than MapInfo, requires far greater computing power, extensive memory, high processor speed and the latest operating system, and as such is far more expensive to buy, and less user friendly, particularly to non GIS specialists. However, data may be moved between ArcGIS and MapInfo, and vice versa.
  • To import ArcGIS data (.e00 files) into MapInfo go to Tools > ArcLink > ARCINFO->MapInfo.
  • In the left hand field, choose the files you wish to export from ArcGIS to bring into MapInfo. Use the select all button to select all the files in the current directory. Use the right hand field to choose where to save them. It is advisable to leave all the boxes checked.
  • Click Translate.

The reverse process, i.e. exporting MapInfo tables, is discussed in Section Three, Part Four.

On to Section Two, Part Three: Appending Columns of Data to Mappable Tables.

Section Two
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