Cecil Charles Salmon

1923 - Present

Cecil is the son of Charles Francis Salmon and Ethel May Edwards, and is my grandfather.

Cecil was baptised into the Christadelphian faith on 14 May 1939.

Cecil and Elizabeth in 1943

Cecil and Elizabeth in 1943

Cecil married Elizabeth Finlayson (Betty) MacKinnon on 4 March 1944 in Granville, Sydney. They lived with Cecil's parents until 1947 when they moved to 15 Provincial St Auburn, Sydney. In 1953 they moved to 123 Harrow Rd, Auburn.

Cecil, Elizabeth and their children in 1954

Cecil, Elizabeth and their children in 1960

In 1987 thy moved to Rooty Hill, Sydney.

Cecil and Elizabeth.

Cecil, Elizabeth and their children in 1994.

Cecil, Elizabeth with their son Robert and his wife June in 2003.

Click her to see Cecil in the News in 2005.

Cecil has four children with Elizabeth;

Margaret Ann Salmon (1946 - Present)

John Charles Salmon (1948 - Present)

Beverly Christine Salmon (1952 - Present)

Robert Cecil Salmon (1953 - Present)

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New South Wales Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

Bourke, B. & Wilson, N. 1997, "The McCowan Family from Argyll, Scotland to Australia." Norma Wilson and Beverly Bourke, Australia.

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