Charles Francis Salmon

1899 - 1974

Charles was the son of Walter James S Salmon and Margaret P Fisher and was my great grandfather.

Charles married Ethel May Edwards in 1920 in Liverpool, Sydney.

Charles was a printer and lived in Fairfield, Sydney.

Chales died on 25 October 1974 at Lidcome Hospital, Sydney. His funeral service was on 28 October 1974 in the Cabramatta Christadelphian Hall, Sydney.

Chalres had five children with Ethel;

May Salmon (19?? - 19??)

Cecil Charles Salmon (1923 - present)

John (Jack) Salmon (19?? - ?)

Charles Salmon (19?? - present)

Leonard (Lennie) Salmon (19?? - present)

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Information was supplied by Chalres son, my grandfather, Cecil Charles Salmon.

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