
Following a recent and very productive visit to London Mark and fellow producer Malcolm Hankey are tying up loose ends for the production of the first half of 'Displaced'.

Mark and Malcolm had some high level and constructive talks with some very influential people in the film industry and are currently working to secure the completion of the full length feature. Official talks are all very hush hush, but be sure that once an official announcement can be made it will be up on Mark Strange.com!


Much has been going on behind the scenes lately. Mark has just finished a series of seminars in Manchester on stage fighting. These can be put down as a resounding success, with the students being very satisfied.

Mark also returned to his old school last month. Pupils at Worden High school were treated to a lecture on movie making and martial arts in film. A packed classroom were apparently engrossed.

Mark has also been invited to contribute to the inaugural issue of 'North West FILM' an independent monthly newsletter that serves the North West's film and television community. Expect to see an indepth interview with Mark, particularly focusing on the movie he is currently involved in 'Displaced'.

Finally some new shots have been added to the film picture gallery. These shots are taken from the Kino film festival and are from a choreographed fight between Mark Strange and Stephen Greenhalgh.

View the archive news.

March - May 2002

This page contains all the latest news regarding Mark Strange and will be updated regularly.

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