Marg tries her hand at typing while under the influence
my Deer aDAM,

i Just want to let you no that I'm alive eh? I'm in the hosptail on 
heavy drugs while my injurys mend. The doctor says I may Never tango 
again butt I'm glad to be alive in one peace! Big Booby has been at my 
side all weakend and now he left his spair laptop for me. He's such a 
sweat man isn't he aDam? You no, I mite be confused because of all the 
painkillers but I thought he said maybe you were havin a hard time 
gettin your teem together for the sponser. Thats too bad aDam, that 
wood hav veen good fer you. Oh but don't werry, I did get the money 
wire befer the avalance hit! Cen you please tell Jake to go and git it 
at the WU so you can gi
Oh the nerse says time for anuther shot.... ggood.

Subject: From Adamu Idris / Oh!!! happy to hear from you dear Marg. My mind relaxed now.

Dear Mummy Marg,
am very happy to hear from you today , this morement.
I also thank GOD almighty for saving your soul for my sake because since not hearing from you has been giving me sleepless nights.

but there is nothing I can do rather than I only went on praying to the almighty GOD for your rescure and recoveries.

mummy, I only say remain bless and do not think much because GOD is by our , your side you will soon get back to your normal fittness the injuries will got disappeard

Mummy, I got in contact with the attorney office today , but they told me that they have not receive any wire fee western union money control numbers or particulars that indicates any kind of payment or what so ever from my so called mummy partiner,

so mummy, I will like you try all your possible best to send them a mail including the CONTROL NUMBERS, AMOUNT wired through the western union as you have said and even the questions and answer that was used in paying the money in the western union office.
please do so and also send me a copy of the payment particulars.
possiblely if you have not send the money to the the attorney till this time of this my mail please mummy try to even send some body to go send the the money to him immediately as the attorney told me in my communication with him today that he may be traveling outside the city, one of these days for a solicts to one of his client to BENIN REPUBLIC.

rush to send him the money so that he will at the same time handle our issue within the week before making any of his trip out side the city.
mummy I wish you the most quick, urgent recovery in the name of our lord.
extend my regards to big bobby also tell him that am doing all my best but with time due to lack finanace
I am expecting to hear from you soonest that gives more healings to my wound.
Adamu Idris.



This is something that has always boggled me about the Lads.  They are all extremely religious, but somehow seem to have skipped over that "Thou Shalt Not Steal" part.


And again, more proof that they are heartless bastards - trying to get money from a woman in a hospital bed.

Big Bobby gets big grumpy
Dear Big Adam,

I'm pretty angry at the moment. A few minutes ago I was visiting Marg 
and she was really upset about an email you sent her. She wouldn't show
it to me, but from what she was saying I could guess.

The poor dear became so distraught that the doctors had to sedate her to
keep her condition from getting worse. From what I gather, you were 
pressuring her about a Western Union money transfer. 

I am incredibly angry at you right now for what you've done to Marg. 
The poor women is in the hospital with tubes sticking out of her from 
every angle, and you have the gall to ask her for money? She told me 
you were calling her 'Mummy', and frankly you are acting like a spoiled 

Are you just stringing us along to get money out of us? You really seem
to be dragging your heels on the Tropical Hockey League despite my 
pleading with you to send the photo.

I'm sorry to have to do this, Adam, but you leave me no choice. Until 
you send me a picture of your hockey team, I will not send you the 
Western Union slip. Consider this to be a show of good faith on your 
part. As soon as I see the team photo, I will send you the information,
and then I will schedule a meeting with my investors and we can start 
getting the Abidjan Babes up and running.

Everything from this point forwards hinges on that picture.


Big Bobby
As mentioned previously, we are only showing the more interesting email exchanges, just to keep things moving along.

By this point, Big Bobby has asked for the team photo at least six times, and each time Big Adam says he needs some little sum of money.

Well, screw him.  Time to turn up the heat and see if he's willing to jump when we say jump.

It's Big Adam's turn to get grumpy


Is there anything more petty than a con artist throwing a hissy fit?


Hey Big Bobby.
It is quit a petty that you couldn't understand me.
sorry for that .

am above that your language, so put it stop from that point.
am not and have not been begging any of you for money and can not and never beg you money, hope you understand me.
to avoid insult let's forget about that issue from here .

let only face the issue of assistance regards to the fund transfer I requested from you and your so called partiner ealier. if you care .

On the issue of western union slip you can as well fly to heel with it.
Thank you ,
Adamu Idris
So, it appears that Big Adam is a criminal with principles - he will not lower himself to get a team picture, just to score some loot.  Kinda makes you misty, doesn't it?

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