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The following are common questions and answers about Herbalife provided by the Herbalife Scientific and Medical Advisory Board.

1. What is Herbalife?
Herbalife is a scientifically formulated, herbal-based calorie-reduced nutritional "shake" or meal replacement drink (Formula #1) to which has been added food supplements containing important vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and nutritional herbs. The Herbalife regimen has been used for weight control and maintenance of good health for over 25 years by literally millions of individuals in more than 61 countries.

2. Don't you lose weight on Herbalife because you skip meals?
No. Herbalife's calorie-reduced regimen encourages participants to eat three meals daily. Two meals are in the form of our nutritionally-balanced meal replacement drink, and the third is a meal of your choice, following guidelines offered by the company. In addition, Herbalife has devised a seven-day recommended meal plan which is distributed with its regimen. Diets which require people to skip meals are unhealthy and promote binge eating.

3. Is Herbalife a "liquid protein" or starvation diet?
Definitely not! Herbalife is neither of these. Our regimen supplies at least 1200-1500 Calories (5020-6300 kilojoules) daily and is nutritionally complete so individuals can lose weight safely and effectively, and, just as importantly, keep the weight off. "Liquid protein" diets, which use nutritionally unbalanced protein-based drinks, or starvation diets which reduce calories to such low levels (less than 500 Calories or 2100 kilojoules daily) that people literally starve to lose weight are both extremely unhealthy and have less than 20% long-term success.

4. How does Herbalife work?
Herbalife supplies all the balanced nutrition the body needs on a daily basis. Individuals who choose to, can lose excess weight by reducing excess calories and not sacrifice important nutrients like protein, potassium and iron. As a result, they feel their best while they lose both excess weight and inches.

5. Is Herbalife "natural"?
The Herbalife regimen is based entirely on nutrition and herbs. The regimen does not use drugs, medications, hormones or other synthetic agents to promote weight loss. All ingredients in the Herbalife regimen must fulfill three important conditions: purity, quality, and stability.

6. What causes the feeling of increased energy? Is it caffeine?
The weight loss and energy-enhancing effects of Herbalife are the result of its scientifically balanced nutritional formula and are not due to caffeine or any natural or synthetic stimulant. Herbalife's 100% herbal product Natural Guarana tea and tablets contain pure guarana which has a naturally occurring caffeine content of about 30mg per tablet (the same amount of caffeine in a small cola drink). Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage also contain small amounts of naturally-occuring caffeine of any sort in any Herbalife product.

7. What do the herbs do and are they safe?
Herbs are nature's nutritional bounty. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and related nutrients essential for good health. The herbal mixtures used in Herbalife products have been created by experts to maximize nutritional value. The herbs are the highest quality available anywhere in the world and are free of pesticide residues and other contaminants.

Tablet preparation of the herbal mixtures occurs under strict quality control to assure purity and safety.

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