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Breakfast Importance

Start Your Day Right

Eating a regular, healthy breakfast does make a difference. Studies show it improves your overall health and well-being, as well as your longevity. Unfortunately, too many people skip or skimp on breakfast and suffer the consequences.

Those who skip breakfast have slower reaction times and are more accident-prone. School children who skip breakfast have greater hyperactivity, irritability, and anxiety; more disruptive classroom behavior; more tardiness; and a decreased ability to concentrate and solve problems.

Eating breakfast has many benefits. It reduces fatigue and sleepiness in the mid-morning hours; helps banish away the blues; improves concentration, increases alertness, and helps one function more efficiently. Academic performance is generally better when breakfast is eaten.

Studies have shown that those who skip breakfast are more likely to struggle with a weight problem. Calories eaten earlier in the day are more effectively utilized than those consumed late in the day. Eating a good breakfast generally improves the overall diet of a person. Those skipping breakfast are more likely to snack throughout the day.

So start your day right. Make time for a healthy breakfast. Don't leave home without it.

Next: Don't Skip Breakfast>>>


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