Little Things by Rebecca Moesta
Buffy and her friends find out that sometimes in life, it's the little things that get you down, especially when your foe is too small to stake properly and has a beef with Anya..  Takes place around season 5. 

Sins of the Father by Christopher Golden
Buffy's old boyfriend, Pike, comes to Sunnydale, but it's anything but a Sunny visit.  He's brought a "friend" who's intends to settle a debt.  How will Buffy juggle her feelings for her former beau and Angel at the same time?  Will Pike fit in with the rest of the Slayerettes?  And what secret is Giles hiding? Takes place around season 3, a great bridge between the movie and the series.

The Book of Fours by Nancy Holder
Buffy never gave much thought about the Slayer who was chosen before her, until now.  As always, things are apocalyptic in Sunnydale, and Buffy must call on the strength and spirit of some former and current Slayers to help her out.  Delves into a lot of history and backstory of characters (much of it irrelevant) and brings in Kendra and Faith in a season 3/4 setting.  Somewhat disappointing read.

Child of the Hunt by Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
There's a Renaissance Faire in Sunnydale and the Scoobies seem drawn to it's medieval possibilites.  But the Season 3 gang soon finds out that even bright festivals hide a darker component, and Buffy finds herself drawn to the young, seemingly helpless man who dwells with the faire's participants. 

These Our Actors by Ashley McConnell and Dori Koogler
Willow is trying to face her fears, by taking a drama class.  She wants to particpate in all aspects of the "behind-the-scenes", and finds that theatre has a long history of mystery .  What were Spike's early days as a vampire running with Drusilla, Angel and Darla like and how do they tie into the strange man who is Willow's drama teacher?  An EXCELLENT read that
takes place during season 4.
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