It all began at 4.30pm

�aaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh, gimmie drugs, someone hhhhhhhheeeeeeeelllllllpppppp mmmmeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! What, No one cares??? Aaaarrrrrgghhh!!� Was all that could be heard on the maternity ward in Chelmsey Cross Hospital of North London.

�Please Mrs Lambert try and stay calm.� The nurse asked.
�STAY CALM?!?!?! I�m dying!!!!� the woman snapped.
�So you definitely want the epidural?� the nurse questioned.
�OF COURSE! Well unless of course you want assisted suicide on your CV!� the woman joked.
�Ok Mrs Lambert I will be back in a moment, I take it you will be here when I get back?�
�Well unless God decides to take mercy on me than, YES I will still be here!� She laughed.

*3hrs later*

�There they are, all 4 of um, beautiful�. Nush, Lizi, Lauz and Pearl�
�All girls!� The woman groaned
�Hunnykins, but what else matters, they�re all ours!� Mr Lambert said trying to reassure his wife and he all was perfect.
�I spose� The woman (Mrs Lambert) said turning away from her husband.

Night fell and the stars began to shine, seeing as Mrs Lambert was sleeping Adam Lambert decided to glance through the window located near his wife�s bedside. In doing so he noticed and extra bright star, the peaceful atmosphere surrounded and eventually he drifted off to sleep.

Adam awoke the next morning to find a room filled with nurses and doctors, most whom of which were surrounding his wife.
As Adam was quite a butch but calm man he�d never cause ANYONE halm unless of course his wife may be hurt. Slowly and calmly he pulled one of the nurses towards him��..

�What�s wrong with my wife??� Adam questioned
�I'm sorry,� the nurse said regaining his footing after being yanked towards Adam.
�I�m sorry what?!?!?!� Adam said feeling his hands beginning to sweat.
�Your wife, Mr Lambert��.� The nurse began
�My wife, my wife what?!?!?!� Adam shrieked starting to get hysterical.
���..She�s passed away,� The nurse said tilting his head + putting one hand on Adam�s shoulder.
�but����. She can�t be!� Adam wept.
�I�m afraid she died yesterday, about 9 o�clock�
�NINE O�CLOCK???� Adam yelled,
He continued
�she was sleeping! I was here looking at the stars��.� Adam stopped remembering the brightly shining star he noticed it all made sense.

�DDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD!!!!! I thought you�d cleaned my jeans!!!!!�
�Pppppppeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrrllllll, I thought you�d left!!!!� Adam joked
�Bye dad� Lauz kissed her dad on the cheek.
�AARRGGHH! They�re my jeans!� Pearl shrieked,
�Alwhite alwhite keep ya panties on!� Lizi laughed walking into the kitchen and stealing a slice of her sister�s toast,
�shut it you! And leave my toast alone!!� Pearl snapped.
�Hey, I was gonna let you borrow a pair of my jeans���. Now I�m not so sure!� Lizi pouted
�Oh please, please, please, please, I�ll do your washing for a whole month!!�
�Really?!� Pearl smiled �NO!� Lizi rolled her eyes.
�Don�t you girls have somewhere to be? Pub, Club, Stripclub?� Adam joked.
�We�re going, we�re going� they all reassured their father.
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