"Oh no Daniel, its got well hard! Whys it done that?" Harry asked

*slight pause*

"sorry harry, did ya say summat? I was just texting Lizi" Daniel replied.
"yesh i did! i said, it's gone hard, why?" Harry questioned once again.
"Oh its cause if you speed up ya pace, it gets hard." Daniel laughed. "can't believe you didn't know that!"
"will it get harder?" Harry questioned.
"nah, what ya gotta do is, do it as fast as you can and when you get to a certain point it releases" Daniel explained.
"oh cool!" Harry shrieked.
"I do it all the time, i can do it for ya, if ya want i mean." Daniel boasted.
"Daniel, im dumb but jeez, i can play on my own!" Harry explained.
"Alright, but, if ya crash you car, you'll go back to the begining" Daniel stated.
"really? oh that's gd, it'll be easy again, i h8 playing car racing games when they're hard, it just gets too confusing for me." Harry said.

"Hey dudes" Tom said stretching as he walked into the living room, tripping over the PS2 wires.
"hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeyyyy! you cut my game off you dweeb!" Harry screamed throwing the computer pad on the floor, storming out the room with his arms folded. kicking Tom on the way out.
"mornin" Daniel laughed, just as he recieved another text message.

"How cool is it the quads got signed?!" Loo shriekd at her best matio Kimberley,

" I know, tis awesome!" Kimberley grinned.

".......and just think of all the fit guys too!" Kimberley grinned

"I know girl! they'll be loads, millions! and all the Vip parties, they'll take us to, im so hapy for them!" Loo smiled

"hey more like your hapy that you'll be meeting loadsa fit guys!" Kimberley laughed.

"Nah, tis all about Daniel Jones!" Loo giggled
"tell me about it!" kim smirked

Daniel the local sex god "Hey so Tom, wana go for a pizza tonight?"
"what out?!" Tom asked still half asleep in his bright orange silk dressing gown
"Hell, why not?" Daniel replied.

"if i didn't know you, i'd think you were hittin on me!" Tom joked
"shut ya cakehole, you know what i mean, we can go with the quads, ya know like a well done meal for getting signed!"
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