"Dan, if we go and the girls one fo the girls'll be left out" Tom said feeling concernd that one girl might end up manless

"Well, i've got 2 arms!!" Daniel grinned as he lifted both his elbows up, and making himself look like an ape at London zoo.

"yeah, well, why do you get 2 girls?" Tom moaned

"well, duh, coz im better looking than you and especially HArry!!"
daniels said knowing that he is loved.

"i heard that!!" Harry shouted thru his partly opend bedroom door.
*one of the guys fones beeped, indicating a text message*

"yeah, well we'll just see about that!" Tom said smirking as he hit the reply button on his mobile.

"oh + whats that spose to mean huh?!" Daniel said feeling competatively arguementative.

"weeeell, lets just say i thikn it'll be better if we go 2 and indian restaruant tonight" Tom said pulling one of those 'i know something you don't know' faces.

"YOU WHAT!!!!" Bauner screamed down the phone almost defining Lauz who was on the other end of the phone,

"We got signed" Lauz giggled
"AAaaaaaaahhhhhhh" Bauner screamed again, this time slightly defning her sister Emma and her lil bro Dougie.
"hey thats soooooooo cool dude!" Bauner shrieked
"i know i know!! and the best thing is, i might just impress a certain Daniel Jones!" Lauz joked.
"hey hey you just might!" Bauner said finding Lauz entertainingly funny.

"Yeah thats right 7 oclock" Daniel said in his deepest voice
"ah, so you are 18 sir?" The voice questioned
"course i am" Daniel bellowed once again.
"ok sir, think you for you booking we will see you at 7 then"
"Yes you will, thank you." Daniel said hanging up the fonne feeling quite proud that he'd booked a table at a fancy restaurant without needing adult assistance

*2hrs Later*

"Hey Danny, you ready mate we gotta leave in 'alf an hr, that gives us 15minutes to get there" Tom asked while straighting up his shirt collar.


"and you did ring the girls to tell them 7 oclock outside?" Tom questioned.

*The Bathroom Door OpenS To Reveal A Room Full Of Steam Come Floating Out And Begin 2 Spread Down The Hallway And Around The House*

"yeah, yeah, i'm ready, keep your knickers on!" Daniel said walking out of the bathroom stroking his face.

"Oh god, you didn't shave your bumfluffless face again did you?" Tom said causing Harry to burst into a gigglefit.

"shut your cakehole, just rmember me when i'm rich and famous ok!?" Daniel grinned admiring himself in the mirror.

"Oh yeah, when you gona b famous?" Harry laughed
"well celebs guys always are aint they!"
"Oh haha, very funny" Tom glared
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