"what?" Kim said making her way towards the TV where Bauner was currently on the dge of her chair.
"Oh mi lord !!" kim laughed as she placed herself next to Bauner.
"Already on the MAtthew Fletcher Channel hey!" im so happy for them ya know!" Bauner screeched.
"ME TOO! ooooo i wonder if they'll show any clips of any of their songs, aw i love their music! i really hope they'll do well!" Kimberley said dropping her mouth as Fletch came on the screen.
"Yum Yum!" BAuner giggled also begining to drool.
"I know hwat ya mean!" kim giggled

"right lets order a pizza! Dan yelled jumpin up after winning yet another game of twista.
"tom order some pizza" Daniel demanded
"how many dya want? 3 double cheeses?" Tom questioned flipping open his recnetly new phone
"i think that'll do" Nush smiled
"right then " Tom said tilting his head looking rather puzzled at his phone before putting it to his ear

"yeah Tom here. Can i have 3 double cheese pizzs? My address is............sorry what?........... XXX free catalogue order?......i do not kno what you're talking about........excuse me! i know nothing of the kind.........what do you mean thats what they all say! how rude..........i have never looked or even thought about something so ......so......disgustingly.......rude! goodbye!" Tom said flipping his phone and throwing it on the table
"argh the crudeness of it!" Tom yelled
"whats wrong?" Lizi asked
"I can't even phone a pizza without getting offered dirty catalogues! thats whats wrong!" Tom yelled again
"Its outragous i mean who in their right mind would ever put that number in my phone under takeaway?!?!" Tom yelled as he looked over to see Dan having a giggle fit.
"oh har har very funny, is this your idea of a joke!" Tom said giving Daniel the slyest look he could manage.
"what?!? Dont blame me cause you cant do anything right!" Daniel said before cracking up again.

*tom storms out to the kitchen*

"right then, what we gona play now?" Lizi smiled?
"DARES!" Daniel yelled with a cheeky grin on his face

*Tom walks back into living room, picks up his phone and walks back through to the kitchen*

"i'm going first!" Daniel yelled
*all the girls giggle*

"truth or dare?" Pearl said licking her lips

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