"ah come on what kinda question is that? DARE!" Daniel said grinning.
"rightio then smelly, i Dare you to take Naomi on a date!" Pearl said smiling.
"i double Dare YOU to take Naomi on a date!" Danny laughed at Pearl
"what?!?!?! I triple dare you to take Naomi + me on a date, cause i.........dont do girls!" Pearl laughed.

"oh alright then!" Daniel said "well seeing as my rooms just upstairs how about we just get started?" DAniel laughed
"Danny! thats disgusting!" Lizi joked, really just feeling quite jealous that Daniel didnt say it to her.
"jeez i was only joking!" he laughed getting up to go into the kitchen

"ay you ordered those pizza yet?" Daniel said pinching Toms hip.
"yup they should be here soon," Tom said still staring out the window

"oooooooooooo, mooday!" Daniel laughed pinching Toms hip again.
"go away" Tom said sliding down the kitchen side unit.
"jeez dont be so moody, just cause i got the date with Naomi!" Daniel said smiling to himself
"what did you say?" Tom askig turning to face DAniel
"i said......what dont you know?" Daniel asked
"know what?" Tom said raising an eyebrow.
"yeah we're playing dares in there and im taking Nay on a date cause Pearl dared me to. Well actually im taking them both on a date. how nice, shame we dont have a big bath hey!" DAniel said pulling a coke outta the fridge and walking bak over to Tom.
"just make sure when the pizzas come you bring them in ok!" Daniels said walking back into the living room.

"he's going on a date with nay? nice nay? nay that i love? the most beautiful girl around?" Tom said to himself as a tear rolled down his burning cheeks "but......she cant" Tom said as he turned round after feeling someones arm round his back.
"Nay, i mean Naomi, how.....how...long, have you....been.....there....like....listening? You weren't were you.....ya know listening....to me.....was you.....you didn't hear......oh no....you didnt....did ya?" Tom said stuttering.
"hear what? ive just walked in, incase you are wondering yes i did hear you muttering..." Naomi began before Tom interupted
"oh no how much did you hear?!!!" Tom asked feeling his cheeks sizzling.

"i didnt hear nothing you had your hand over your mouth, now where do you keep the spoons?" naomi asked as she opened random draws.
"Phew!" Tom said litterally wiping his forehead.
"huh? Tom! i asked you where you keep the spoons? Lauz has gotta balance it on her nose......." Naomi said opening the kutlery draw.

"dont worry found them" Naomi said picking up a spoon and walking out to the living room.
"wow, she's so fit, and she's Daniels, well she will be by the end of their date." Tom sighed.

*Chapter 12*
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